It is a tad disappointing to say the least how this new set (and the murloc pack) get thrown on the store during a time where you’d think they’d be doing anything they can to keep players happy and score some much needed positive PR. I don’t really get it either, I’m sure someone much smarter than me decided this was the best move since there’s money to be made.
It can take some time for people on the forums to ‘forgive/forget’. I know this from experience too. And some will never do so; that’s also a thing. And it’s usually just best to ignore them because they’ll always just be there being nasty no matter how much you’ve changed or are trying to be polite.
even i don’t spend enough time on this forum to get TL3 and that is saying a lot…
There is only so apologetic you can be whilst a mob of people on the internet are out for blood with anything that you say and you’re fighting your corner alone. Anyway I can see you have it in you to be reasonable and I appreciate that.
you get used to it Alapa… i been dealing with it for years lol…
Actually right, spamming “HuRr DuRR You’Re A TrOlLL HerP DeRPp” is not funny, it’s disturbing
Yet you misgender and slander people all the time on your 9 posting alts so you are not nice or friendly either.
The six month sub was probably due a new reward. That will keep coming round like clockwork, I imagine. I do like the loyalty bonus.
I had seen the other transmog outfit datamined previously so it was in the works and bound to appear sooner or later.
I do understand why the shop upsets some but at the same time you can just grind the gold in game like any other vendor.
He works at Blizzard now?!
It’s hardly a new phenomena. Even back in the Halcyon days of TBC/Wrath or the now much loved MoP the forums were >80% hate threads.
The theme of Pandaria was not well received on launch.
I’m playing (well, played) since vanilla, but never visited the forums back in the day.
I guess it was about the panda stuff?
Yeah it was bound to appear. The loyalty bonus is fine anyway it’s just the timing is a little off but nothing to be too upset about really.
I could make a huge list were you trash talk me and others btw.With all your alts like Antivegan were you use mis gendering slurs and vile lie’s
Last i ever speak to you , you lie and mistreat others so bad yet think of yourself as “nice and friendly” you are the person who called me a fat wh…
No. originally it was about how TBC had ruined the game and that it was now dead. Actually I suspect that patch 1.X was also called out as a game killer and that the Devs had no clue about the game…
Are companies meant to deny themselves all revenue opportunities and tie themselves to a pole to be flogged when they did something wrong?
Put another way, just what would they have to do to stop you whining at the outcome of any decision they make?
I swear to God they could have given the stuff away for free as an apology with a free meal and bottle of wine and people would have found a way to turn the wine into whine.
I can already see the topics:
“Fix the game instead of giving us a trash transmog set and a weird backpack”
“Blizz trying to make us feel pity by giving some crap to us for ‘free’, pathetic”
So true at the end of the day there will never be a time where everyone is happy about the game or what actiblizz does.
So you googled the definition of forum.
Good for you.
What now?