I recently made a post about someone with full 636 gear being able to need on a hc weapon in nerub-ar palace, he had two omen crafted weapons 636 and could need on the item and of course won (to sell it to second highest bidder which was me, didn’t offer enough gold so he vendored it). Just now Rashanan dropped the back that everyone and their mother wants and the person who won of course had full 636 gear, omen crafted back 636. Tried to sell it afterwards. If people with full 636 gear who are most likely only doing the raid to sell gear to others, why can they need on items when they have better ones equipped, when I can’t even need on gear I actually need and that IS an upgrade. Can someone please explain this to me, because I’ve been shut out of loot I actually need but others that don’t need it can need however they want. I’m clearly not understanding how this loot system works even though I’ve been playing wow on and off since vanilla.
You can roll need on any item that correlates to your chosen lootspec (you can change this by rightclicking your portrait like if you normally dps but for some reason would want a tanking trinket or vise versa)
The only items you cannot need on are items that you already have the exact same item of in a higher itemlevel (or items that dont belong to your class and chosen lootspec think cloth item on dk etc). So lets say Ring of Awesomeness 613 drops but you already have Ring of Awesomeness at 620 you wont be able to roll need on it.
But if your ring of Awesomeness is 590 you will be able to roll need on it.
If your ring is not called Ring of Awesomeness then you can always roll need on the ring even if its 30 item levels lower than whatever you have equipped.
Not sure how leech/avoidance etc affects this but i believe if yours doesnt have leech etc on it then even if its the same ring but lower itemlevel you can still roll need
BTW just to add to OP’s frustration, this rule is in my opinion also some BS.
On my Shadow Priest I have played with the same Veteran 8/8 ring and Veteran Spymaster’s Web for 4 consecutive weeks, simply because nothing sims higher than my BiS ring and trinket, yet if I drop a ring or trinket in a dungeon I am not able to trade it because the game detected that the one I dropped is higher ilvl and considers it “an upgrade” (even though it clearly sims a lot less)
Current Loot Rules are garbage, at least give us lootmaster in a premade group, why the frick would I vendor a ring that is BiS for my friend if he needs it?
And I 100% agree on how bad the raid selling situation is.
It’s so bad that I now have to farm gold ahead of time so I can enter Silken Court and buy whoever drops Spymaster’s Web off of them.
Oh by the way, since professions are just dull and not worth the time, I “farm” by also going into raids and selling whatever I high-roll on to people that need it…
And even that doesn’t work cause people just say “nvm I don’t need it that much” and move on lol
I mean so because there is a problem you contribute to it. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Also just equip a higher ilvl ring in both slots and then next time it drops you can trade it away.
This is unfortunately an unwanted consequence that comes with trying to fix another problem.
It was way worse before they implemented trading boss loot in groups, because back then you had to write a ticket to a game master, wait for hours until they had to manually come and trade the item between the players.
Some people always has to ruin the nice things for everyone.
Your best bet is to just accept the fact that getting the things you want will take time, the last thing you want to do is go into a raid expecting to win the items that you want, you’re just setting urself up for disappointment.
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