Someone sent me money

Hi, I received an in-game email with some money, I opened the mail without really checking what it was, since I send myself stuff all the time. It was a sum of 2466g. There was a text “Keep up the good work!” Greets (name)
I tried to send it back, but it says that there is no such player. Could this be something bad? I don’t really interact with others, and only buy things on the AH. This worries me a bit. Anyone else have this happen?
Edit/ in Retail Wow.

No player means they deleted their character unless they are on a connected realm, then you need the name-realm combination.

I had someone send me over 200k and loads of mats and when I tried to send it back they didn’t exist. The message said they are leaving the game.

2.4k is not a lot on retail.

Thanks Dottie! Yes I agree that it’s not much money. And it’s a pretty specific sum. I guess it could simply be someone sending to the wrong person. Perhaps I’ll hear from them if that’s the case.

Enjoy spending them! It’s your lucky day.

Probably not - if it was indeed a mistake, they most likely don’t know where the money went and from experience I can say that GM will not tell you to whom it was sent. If you sent money or gear to wrong person, it’s your own problem.

If this was on wotlk maybe currency swap at begining of cata patch?
If is player in case they can always use inbox reverse option on web and restore gold that they send u by mistake.

That would only work in cases where the recipiant has not opened the mail, so does not apply here as the OP has opened it.