Something is bothering me

Hello there,

I have something bothering me. I know it can be answered so easily, but I just couldn’t figure it out.

Why people don’t like, when another player (especially leveling ones) have at least 1% chance of fighting them back?

I remember when BfA started, I was excited turning on WM to level up and see how much of a chance do I actually have against capped gankers, and I actually had a good time. Still died, most of the time, but managed to kill a couple and always gave a proper fight.

And then, people started moaning, that it’s not fair: “I should be able to one-shot with a passive aura players who are 1 level beneath me.”

Then the usual Blizzard ‘fix’ happened and we are back where we came from. If you are a maxed new toon in 8.2, then you kinda work in the following:

  • against a lvl 110 or under: you kill them with an aura, usually in 1.06 seconds.
  • against a lvl 111 to lvl 119: you kill them in 2.4 seconds, usually using a resource generator and an auto-attack.
  • against a 120, with at least 50 item level under you: 5-7 seconds, depending on class. It should be noted that they do have a fighting chance, will all cooldowns used, you might perish in 35 seconds or so.

So my question is: Is this actually better? Is this what the majority of PvP players wanted? Why?

Thanks for any teaching that might appear here. I am absolutely baffled.

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