Something is wrong with my character access to the forums today

While I was refreshing my page, it gave me a message that I was logged out.

So I logged back in and now I only have this classic alt available to post on.

Did something break on the forums? Cause my own characters are fine on my end.

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I’ve a similar issue. Got logged out of forum on PC two days ago and when logging back in I have zero characters and can’t post. Just get a message saying I need a level 10 to post. (I’m on the correct forum).

Done the usual clear cache etc, tried other browsers and even my laptop but same issue.

Works ok on my phone as it hasn’t logged me out of that.


When I login and can’t post because of no characters, if I try re-login by first clicking the logout button it logs me out and takes me back to a forum page with no content. All I get is the top navigation bar and a blank page with the five coloured dancing dots. Browser tab says Page Not Found.

If I then try login again I get a server 404 error page because the login button is taking me to the wrong URL.

Instead of

The login button incorrectly takes you to an invalid link


Same issue. The only characters available are the 2 from classic which i never play. All other characters are no longer there. Also on the forums in the YOUR REALMS bit it no longer shows all the realms i have characters on, but only the classic realm Mirage Raceway.

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Thanks all, we’re now looking into it. :+1:


Not sure if it helps with searching for the cause as I have the same issue. But it seems also the armory of my character is missing.
Yet I can normally log in to said character in game, do quests and all seems fine.

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All my retail characters give an 500 internal server error on the Armoury.

I’m thinking the reason I get totally locked out of forum is because I only have retail characters and no classic ones.

Also is it intended that you can like posts without a character. I liked on a post and it used my battle net ID instead of a character name.

Same here. Thank god its just the forums. Would have been “panic mode” if the same thing happend in the game.


Me too since yesterday. Same problem with Armoury. I only have one Classic character and he’s not one I particularly want to show off … looking forward to a fix :slight_smile:
Signed Ananda the L70 Draenei SP

Thought it had been fixed as I was able to login and see all my characters earlier but after a short while I got logged out again and now back to no characters and the “you need a level 10 to post”. During that small period I still couldn’t view any of my characters on Armoury.

Strangely, it still hasn’t kicked me out of forum on my phone. Armoury doesn’t show characters on my phone either.

Did wonder if part of the problem is being logged in at more than one device but dare not log out of phone to test in case I can’t get back in :confused:

I am sure they are scrambling to fix this since it is also wrecking the armory

Yep most likely. I’m not posting to complain, just reporting my findings in the hope it may help them track down the problem :wink:

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Just to say mine are back at the moment as is my armoury … hopefully permanently.

Yep same here!

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Yep it’s now working for me too. Hopefully that means it’s fixed :grinning:

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It just broke for me. I was typing a post, got “You have been logegd out”, and this random low-level is the only character I have available.

And just after posting that. my characters are back!

Yes. You will find you can Like posts on the US forum with your BattleTag.

Doesn’t really answer if it’s intended or just a flaw in the system though. Only reason I could like on EU with battle tag was because my characters were missing so it obviously fell back to my tag insead. But why can you like and not post.

Oh dear, seems to be broken again. For me at least all my characters have vanished :confused:

That’s weird … I just checked and my character access is still ok but the armoury seems broken again …

Yup. It seems to be a fairly regular thing these days. I use the Armories to check guild member ilevels and to deal with new applications to the guild, but I’m regularly having to tell people to wait hours, sometimes a day or more, before I can get the information I need.

Not the end of the world if it’s temporary, as I can usually get the information I want elsewhere - but those other sites all take their information from the Armories … so the longer it’s down, the more out of date I’m assuming that information is going to be.

Over the last few years, everything to do with support has deteriorated, I’m assuming because they’ve got less staff and so therefore end up just fighting fires rather than actually keeping things running smoothly.

Using the battlenet app will fix the issue