Something's not right with (Dis)enchanting talents

I put 30 pts in Designated Disenchanter and 30 pts in Uncommon Utilitarian.
“maximizing the quality of reagents you create when destroying items”
“…Uncommon Khaz Algar equipment, increasing your Skill by +1”

I’ve just disenchanted 10 green items, and the results are:

  • Storm Dust (1) - 17
  • Storm Dust (2) - 2
  • Storm Dust (3) - 0

Surely this cannot be right… given how arduous it is to gain points in this prof, 60 points down this tree should give some reassurance that you have a steady inflow of max quality materials… else the tooltip of these talents are misleading. And no, it’s not just RNG, I keep DE’ing stuff and the rate is the same. Getting a (3) material is extremely rare.

This should be fixed. Talent descriptions should say exactly what they do, clearly, so ppl are not surprised that the talents are doing nothing after spending 60 hard earned points in them. Especially considering that there’s no way to reset them. If they don’t increase the quality of the materials, then the description shouldn’t say this.

I have Tailoring as well, and two gathering profs on another char, none of them feels so frustrating as Enchanting. The progress feels much smoother and reasonable - note I’m not saying faster, but I feel I get what I expect and I reach the goals I’m working towards. With Enchanting I’ve just spent a huge amount of time raising my skills for absolutely nothing. :roll_eyes: I would’ve been better off buying mats on AH and putting the points elsewhere (assuming, optimistically, that the other talents actually work…)

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