S.o.s help gamer lfg

I am primarily a warrior/tank, although a little out of practice. I also have alt priest and warlock roughly about lvl 40 atm which i am quiet happy to lvl up faster to aid in progression, and after hitting 60 am looking for some people to play with. Ideally i would at least like to be hitting the 5 mans to start but as long as the guild is active, social and moving forward i am happy to help to get there. My gear is not the best but i would work hard to get it better, also enchanting at 300
I am a ageing has been with way to much time on my hands, generally in the evenings, cos someone has to work In the day to pay the subs, and a true vanilla player who thinks they know it all, but really knows nothing.
Anyway if you think you can help me or that i would fit in your ranks please drop me a line and let me know.

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