Soul reaper

Make ss/clawing shadows auto apply soul reaper to targets under 50% hp and explode under 35%hp or just auto apply under 35% and explode within 3sec

As much as I’m up for a big change, that ain’t it. This will just remove a button from our rotation. Our core rotation is so mind numbingly easy anyhow.

How about make SR’s direct damage instant (only usable at 35%=<) which then leaves a debuff that interacts with other abilities of ours… Maybe it buffs all our shadow damage, maybe amplifies disease… Don’t know but something more interactive.

We’ve got the talent “Reaping” too which could be worked into that somehow.

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This needs to be left as a skill button because it makes the difference between the two DKs (good vs poor)
A good DC manages the SR very well during the execution phase.
However, I think that SR should receive some solutions to be useful in dungeons (M+).
I think I even wrote ideas about this concept here once.

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i think the thread i made were i suggested about how soul reaper should work is the better one.
it honestly should be only an Unholy DK talent you can pick in the UH tree.

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Idk unholy fails a lot with dmg always last in details something need to be buffed.
Dh ofc doubles everyones dmg.


That’s correct.

This is why i think the rework suggestion i made for UH DK would finally help DK to deal damage whit the certain builds you can make.

Right now we are tricks of all trades but master of none, but whit the rework, we could be master of plagues or master of undeath while also retaining the old hybrid build if you want to play 50/50 whit plagues and undeads.

Dk was insane when he got buff in mid s2 it was perfect class just as i like it clawing shadows build but few nerfs in row its unplayable now.
Literaly every talent that was making noticable dmg was nerfed by half.

Are you talking about pvp?

Because in pve we’re still pretty much blasting.

But don’t get me wrong, we’re blasting but it feels clunky as hell.

Yeah we did loads of damage in S2 but most of felt really unrewarding. Gargoyle was so buggy and the RNG frustrating… I always have the WA that tracks its damage, and the amounts of times i landed so many DCs only for the damn thing to do 2 or 3 crits was so frustrating. And then I had times where I messed my rotation, and the damned thing lands 10+ crits and does more damage…

What kind of freaking unrewarding rng is that?

That’s the kind of clunk we need to get rid of… And the whole wound system that’s basically combo points but worst.

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but bicepspump and his friends think it’s a great mechanic for DK xD

nia nia nia bIcePsPuMp thInKs ItS gReAt nia nia nia

I know you’re joking :rofl:

Mr Pump if you read this, I read your guides and respect them. But UH dk is really not a well made spec.


Also dk have by far most uptime buffs and thats really bad you need 10sec to start doing dmg.
Also that streamer have no idea what is dk he never even won duel in his life he definitly shouldnt give any opinion how dk should work.
Hes pvp guide talent builds are for laghing not a single player ever used them.
He and people like him are reason for poor situation of dk we even lost unholy blight because of him.

Ah right so you are talking about pvp.

Yeah sorry bud, I ain’t got a clue how to dk pvp and whenever I tried it felt awful. Most of the guide writers don’t really pvp themselves neither.

The base design of UHDK just isn’t very relevant to how pvp as a whole is made. There’s a reason why pvp always has bigger class disparity than pve.

Not justifying or anything, it’s just bad design.

Its not good in pve also by the time you put deasease,death and decay,festering wounds pack of mobs is dead.

It could pass before but ww and dh showed up with instant big dmg same goes with war and ret 1,2 buttons mobs are dead.

Only dk is like please wait 10sec until i start making dmg.

Well we’re not good in fast paced content. If you’re out in the open world or doing low level dungeons, it’s indeed too slow for that. There’s a reason why we do a ton of damage in raids though.

We got to be accurate with our frustrations as a dk community, if not they’ll do terrible fixes.

Hence why myself and many other players in this forum are pointing out systemic issues over singular ability fixes.

Fixes can be very simple remove wounds put that all dmg on clawing shadows,remove button for desease make it auto apply when you click DnD and DnD follows you.
Soul reaper auto apply why not if war execute auto apply fatal mark why not soul reaper.
Festermight should have lower stacks so you ramp up dmg faster and so on very simple solutions no need to complicate.

No offence or anything, what you’re proposing is honestly really boring.

If you remove wounds, it means festering strike is pointless and can be removed.

You then literally only have 2 attacks. CS and DC. No changes in rotation between cleave and ST because DnD is also part of the rotation since it auto applies disease. 3 buttons. That’s it? You want to play a 3 button spec?

If you remove wounds, how does festermight works? It stacks every time you CS?

I’m not saying we need enhancement shaman piano keyboard rotation. But every idea you’ve outlined will make UH even more brain dead that it already is.

You need to look at the class from another pov, and understand how dots and minions synergise in a melee environment, whilst juggling 3 resources (Runes, RP and wounds).

Right now we’ve got quite a few issues and but here are the most glaring ones to me:

  • CD button bloat, whilst having really boring regular rotation.
  • Wound system is clunky as hell.
  • Our own melee abilities aren’t impactful and all feel like filler.
  • There is no synergy between our minions and us bar a few boring buffs that we get to ignore by using macros
  • There is no synergy between our diseases and anything else.
  • The introduction of ERW to UH makes no sense with the rest of our CD cycle.
  • Majority of talents feel absolutely mandatory and lock us in builds (view how ret paladin work so well as an example)
  • Festermight mini game feels like a hassle to manage.

So yeah we need to complicate because the problem isn’t simple. The core ideas of UH aren’t bad, they’re just stuck in whatever ancient iteration of the game that isn’t relevant to 2024.

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Oooooo they just posted on wowhead dk rework they want to reduce complexity just i suggested it but im not really optimistic they will mess something im sure in that.

My answer on your replay is lisen bro for pve is ok to have many buttons but for pvp you dont have time to press 10buttons to start making dmg by the time you ramp up your dmg dh,ww,war,ret will kill you forcing you to go in defense mode and while u are in defense mode no time to attack and u loosing your ramp up dmg by using death strike or kiting.
You need instant dmg.
Expecially when high damening starts no time for festering wounds no time for dnd and other things you need dmg or you are dead.

Dh blade dance doing 200k dmg and auto apply all posible debufs and dots he have
War mortal strike same.
Dk even need time to ramp up necrotic wounds thats to slow gameplay cant work

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Yeah saw that, they seem to be talking about CDs being bloated which is true.

We will be patiently observing their changes.

Yeah that’s what I was saying, pvp is a different story. But I don’t think it’s technically possible to make a class play so differently between pve and pvp, and classes are evidently designed with pve first in mind.

Maybe the solution would have to be in tuning numbers, so in pvp pets and dots do a bit less damage, but FS, CS, DC and all other dk abilities are buffed to the relevant degree so they can be dangerous and not tickling.

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