Soulbinds will be chaotic

Just the look of it and all those abilites an example:

A Matter of Perspective: When you would suffer lethal damage instead gain Peculiar Perspective, preventing all damage dealt to you and healing you for 50% of the amount prevented for 4 sec. You may only benefit from this effect once every 8 mins.

There is no way we have to decide for one of those in pvp because every one of them are situational against each class/comp

Pretty sure they said you can change soulbinds like you change talents.

But wouldn’t that just be that you can change soulbinds from your chosen covenant?

That you can’t change your covenant has literally no place in rated pvp at all especially when it is marketed as esport

They should nerf soulbinds in pvp but don’t touch the actual main covenant ability.

They did say you can change covenant, but at a hefty price. I’d start making topics bout this. Make covenants easily changeable, perhaps move main abilities into a different talent tree. I want kyrian ability for enhance, but don’t want to look like a scuffed angel retard.

You can change covenants easily but joining the covenant you left will be VERY HARD

soulbinds are a doomed concept in pvp. i have been watching the progression of this system for some time and it’s just insane how powerful some of these bonuses are without being able to swap between them at will.

i’ve made a list of some of the more extreme examples of this system cuz it’s 5 am and i’m bored and saddened that this system might exist in arena


kinda powerful mini dwarf racial/ healthstone

aka can’t do full duration stun-poly/trap or even blind sap because of a passive
turns the kyrian racial potion into a 50% heal over 10sec that also removes bleed, poison, and curses

it’s a shield that you have to channel

not sure how powerful this one is due to the mecanics of Fleshcraft (it’s a channel btw)


you can cast normal spells in this form btw and the teleport is on a 4 sec cd this seems really busted

guess they ran out of ideas so they decided to steal anivia passivle from league i don’t even think this is that powerful tbh just unnecessary.


note: some of the venthyr stuff is beyond INSANE

wanted to really highlight this one as a sub rogue player. because if my math is right if you don’t have trinket and the sub rogue has blind and shadowy duel. a sub rogue with this could cc you for around 60 seconds solo. this assumes that it’s on blind Dr and not sheep dr but even so this seems really powerful :cowboy_hat_face:
this is in the same tier as the above one btw this seems insane with orc

so you’re gonna give people an instant 1.5min cd 35yrd blink?

what what what what what what what what what what. no just no

also why can’t i post wowhead links without editing them it’s WOWHEAD

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Ok shadowlands is f@#$ed GG

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there is no way these are going to work in pvp right?
i mean after BFA the logical thing to do is disable every non class related bs and let the classes/specs shine

i just want to play the “oldschool” arena if you know what i mean


I think any expansion features will always be in pvp unfortunately

They are borrowed powers, they will have to work in pvp otherwise people will realise how empty the classes are.

You misunderstand. It’s a 3% damage buff and when someone dies THIS is increased by 500% (so, times 6). You don’t get 500% bonus damage. You get 18%.


apparently they still dont understand we only want class abilities and no pve bullsiht anymore, another trash expansion incoming, keep working on your pve garbage instead of actually making classes interresting to play blizzard, u got this :slight_smile:


there is no way they ever ever ever ever ever are able to balance this. not even close. This is going to be a complete sh it show in pvp. Some talents are super situaional and can decide a matchup easily .

E: the fact that many abilties are good against CC makes me think they added them also for pvp purposes…rip

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Yeah, been following this for a while and it looks beyond stupid.

There’s so much stuff in there that needs to just not work in a PvP setting. It’s so gimmicky, incredibly defensive and anti-cc, it’s just so horrible for the game.

Stop it with these borrowed powers systems that dont feel connected to the classes and specs one iota. Mages dont need a third and a fourth Blink. Healers dont need yet another defensives. Etc etc.

Thus will be impossible to balance and is only full of boring OP livelord and anti-CC trash (which will make some things barely playable and others godlike).

Are the PvP devs on vacation or did someone at Blizzard go “shut up PvP guy” again? How did the PvP devs not veto this trash?

BFA aint over, it just set the standard for future expansions.
Shadowlands will be no diferent, pvp is dead in this game.

Thank you blizzard.
Best regards - Phil Deeznutz

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I’m still concerned that warriors are getting the current prot intervene and it hasn’t been changed to the old intervene. 6 seconds of immunity is just stupid.

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