Souldefiler's fan fiction book 2

Souldefiler’s fan fiction.

Book 2. The Fall of Two Cities.


All is ready. The seeds of discord have been sown, and soon will bear fruit. Souldefiler, former Death Lord of the Ebon Blade, has gathered friends and former foes under one banner to serve her in undeath. The devoted work silently in the shadows, separating friend from friend, ally from ally and fostering distrust. In Stormwind Bors Gia and Senna prepare for the taking of Stormwind. Already the advisors Anduin relies on are being pushed away and Senna works on the heart of Anduin itself.

In Orgrimmar Punicilla, Twill and the newest Champion Nyfera, sail to Orgrimmar to report on the failure at Feralas, and the death of the Farstrider Brigan. Unbeknown to the Horde, Brigan is taken to the Tombs by D’eea, who brings to her Mistress a great prize. Once in orgrimmar, The Horde will face one of it’s greatest challenges. Many times it has overcome internal strife, but not internal strife when it is provided strength by a hidden exterior power, perhaps too strong to fight alone.

And waiting on the horizon, to take her prize and finally bend Azeroth to her will forever, is the Death Knight Souldefiler. Under her heel, all shall become Devoted. or be swept away with the dust of time.

Chapter 1. A New Queen.

Anduin woke in his chamber. a cool breeze sweeping the room. As he rose a servant poured water into a bowl and prepared fresh linen. “Majesty” he said. “Good morning. Your breakfast is ready and Senna awaits you.”
“Thank you” he said. Suddenly he started. “Wait, who is waiting?” he asked.
“The draenei Senna majesty. She has been here since dawn broke.”
“I see… Thank you” whispered Anduin as he rose and washed. Pulling on fine clothes he paused to look in a mirror.

Catching himself he thought “Anduin you fool, what would father say to you now” as he walked to the throne room. Entering the throne room the guards bowed and stood to attention. Various petitioners stood in the entrance waiting to be granted an audience. In the corner stood Shaw and Valeera. Catching sight Anduin smiled and walked over to them greeting them warmly.

“Welcome my friends, I am glad to see you here. What news?”

Shaw looked to Valeera who sighed. "Anduin… Majesty… I bear bad tidings.

Turalyon and Alleria have left the city."

Anduin frowned. “Why?” Valeera spoke up. “We do not know. They left without warning.”

“And still no sign of Jaina?” asked Anduin. Shaw shook his head. “Greymane is due to return in 5 days. Hopefully.”

“Hopefully?” said Anduin. “Hopefully?! I am bereft of hope right now spymaster!” said Anduin, anger taking hold.

“We at least have our champions my king” said Valeera. “Bors, Gia and…” her voice fell.

“And Senna you mean to say?” said Anduin. “Yes. Senna” said Shaw. “Anduin, beware of giving her too much too soon.”

“I have given her no more than she has deserved” he said testily.

“That is not what I meant” said Shaw. “I meant power”

“Right now, she is one of the few allies who haven’t left me. One.” replied Anduin angrilly.

Shaw and Valeera exchanged glances. Anduin saw their faces and his eyes widened. “OH I am sorry i did not mean to question. I mean…”

Shaw bowed. “We know what you meant Anduin. I have to check on security and my tasks increase. Forgive me”

Anduin smiled. “Yes of course. i understand. Farewell” and took Shaw’s hand and shook it warmly.

“I need your help Mathias.” He turned to Valeera. “And yours my dear Sanguinar”

Nodding they both left the room.

Shaw marched briskly to the Si7 head quarters followed by Valeera. Opening the door to his room he told Valeera to shut the door.

“He is changed. Something is happening. I feel it. Senna is a malign influence and she has wormed her way into his heart. It will take no small effort to remove that parasite. But the question is, how. She appears to be all sweetness and light”

“She must be removed from his presence. I think I know how” said Valeera. “Do you remember the day she arrived with her two companions? They did not return to the barracks as ordered. They rented a room in Old Town. I suggest we find out why.”

“Agreed” said Shaw. Capable as these champions are, they are no match for SI7. The sooner we act, the better." He called for two spies.

“Check out the house our three champions occupy. Bring back anything you find that looks out of the ordinary, no matter how insignificant you feel it looks. You have 3 hours. move swiftly.”

The spies nodded and left the room.

“If we do find something, we still need to convince Anduin they are betraying him. If we only had Jaina here, he trusts her implicitly.” said Valeera.

“I know” said Shaw. “I know. She has simply vanished.”

In the Dwarven district Bors and Gia made their way through the smithies. “This is the one” said Bors as they came to a smithy where a dwarf sat with his feet on the anvil.

“Dwarf.” said Bors. “I believe you can help us.” The dwarf looked out from under his cap

“Aye? Did ye now. Where did ye hear that then?”

“From a mutual friend.” said Gia. The dwarf pulled his hood back over his eyes. “Ah dinnae have any mutual friends. No any mair”.

Bors pulled closer. “Yes we do. A Death Knight. You know who.” The dwarf made no sign. Bors stood up. Gia looked around to make sure no one was looking and placed a blue stone on the anvil. Then they both left. After a while the dwarf lifted his cap and moved the stone closer with a foot. Then he dropped it onto the floor and picked it up. “Ah wee lass. What you upto now.” Getting up he went to his forge and checked the fires. Once he was satisfied he then went to his smithy and closed the door. When he was sure all was quiet he rolled the stone and a portal opened.

“Lass. What are you plannin’ noo” he said into the dark. “Why aren’t you here. We need ye.” No reply came.

“C’mon lass ah know ye can hear me. You can trust me.”

Souldefiler’s voice came through the portal. “I need you to reforge my armour. I am coming”

The dwarf nodded. “Finally. Are we to bring you to glory as you promised?” he asked joyfully. “Yes my devoted. The work you have done will soon bear fruit. You will be greatly rewarded and your skill and all the skills of your allies will be brought to the sight of everyone as we rebuild this city in my splendour. Build me statues, shrines, temples. Stormwind will become like a palace for the Devoted. All we need do, is remove what is already here. Lend as much aid to the two who came to see you today. They will provide the signal when I will reveal myself.”

The dwarf fell to his knees and wept tears of joy. “Oh my Mistress, finally!” and the portal closed. The dwarf then collapsed on the floor, and wept new tears, the tears of pain as his body was wracked in agony.

Senna sat in the dining room with a light meal and a glass of water. Looking at the door she waited anxiously for it to open. When it did she jumped with
a start as Anduin strode in and made his way to her. He stopped and looked at her sternly for what seemed an eternity. “My king, is something wrong.?”
Anduin said nothing, still holding her gaze. “Anduin?” she whispered. He drew away and turned his back. “SI7 has made a thorough check of your living quarters. They found this. Addressed to you. The note says you are to plan an assassination on a senior member of the Court of Advisors.”

He put the note on the table where Senna could pick it up and read it. “Well? Is it true?” he asked, his voice slightly quivering.

Senna stood up. “Majesty. I have never lied to you. I hid my feelings for you fo so long and when I gave in to them and you shared them, I knew I could never betray you, not for anyone or anything. I am devoted to you in more ways than you could imagine.” She sat down again. “I realize my words carry no weight when balanced with the words of Shaw. I only ask you, to search your heart, and trust me when I say I would never betray you. For I love you my king.”

Anduin said nothing and left the room, leaving Senna to watch with tears in her eyes as the door closed. Anduin returned in seconds and closed the door behind him. Looking up Senna saw the anguish in his heart and she came to him. “Hold my hand please.” she said, reaching out her hands to Anduin. Taking them she drew closer.

“I would never betray you. Can you be certain others do not seek to betray you by making you think I have?” Anduin looked into her eyes. “I do not know for certain what is what anymore. All I know is… my feelings for you.” Drawing closer their lips met again.

Shaw paced up and down the waiting room as Valeera sat in a chair. “Are you sure this is genuine?” he asked her. She nodded. “The spies searched everywhere and all the evidence they uncovered verified it.”

“So it is true then” said Shaw. “Souldefiler is alive and chooses to remain hidden except to her close friends. But why? We need her desperately, despite of what I have heard.”

Valeera stood up. “He is in there a long time. Should we go in?” Shaw turned to look at the door. “Give him another 10 minutes. That should be long enough to get what he wants from her.”

Gia and Bors then entered the room and Shaw’s face darkened. “You two have some explaining to do.” Gia looked puzzled “We do?”

“Yes” said Valeera. “We have uncovered evidence that you have met, and have knowledge, of where Souldefiler the Death knight is living in self enforced exile.
She has consistently refused all our summons. Why? and Where is she?” Bors said nothing. “You would do well to answer hunter” said Shaw.

Gia stood firm. “She has chosen exile as she fears persecution. She will return when she is guaranteed she will not be persecuted or imprisoned.”

"That depends on what she has or has not done. In refusing direct orders she is borderline guilty of treason. The mercy of the King is all she can rely on now.

My mercy would be the headsman block." said Shaw as he turned again to the dining room door. Bors approached Valeera. “That is why she will not come here” as he pointed to Shaw. “Do you expect her to come here merely to have her head removed?” Valeera shook her head. “It will not come to that Bors. We need her, but she must answer for her crime or crimes”

As she finished Anduin came through the door. “Shaw, Sanguinar, I have learned much and have made a decision.” Shaw and Valeera stood up and bowed. “Thank you Anduin, we can take them into custody now.”

Anduin raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I dismiss you both from my service”

“What?” said Shaw. “You can’t do that… what possi…” and his eyes narrowed as Senna followed Anduin. Valeera stood up quickly. “You have made a fateful choice here Anduin. Your father would be ashamed at what has just happened”

Anduin rose to his full height as Senna took his arm at his side. “I think my father would be very proud. Finally I shake off my chains and stand forth as the King of Stormwind with Senna at my side.” Shaw and Valeera stood facing him. “Anduin… Surely you can’t mean… Senna is…”

Anduin raised his hand silencing them. “You are dismissed.” Shaw and Valeera turned and left the chamber without saying a word. Turning to Bors and Gia he smiled. “Senna assures me that you will provide all the advice I need, and will gladly bring the Death Knight here.”

But first, I have an announcement to make to the people of Stormwind. As they have a new king, so do they have a new Queen."

Chapter 2. A royal decree.

Trumpets blared out a long blasting note in the Mid day sun over Stormwind. Answering trumpets summoned the citizens of all race and creed to the Keep. Gathering on the plain below they awaited their King to address them. Humans, Elves, Worgen, dwarves and Gnomes all gathered to await the news. Rumour had spread like wildfire amongst the city, rumours of Anduin dismissing SI7. Of a famed Death Knight Champion coming to aid them once again, bringing with her an army to serve Anduin. But most of all, rumours of Anduin taking a Queen, was forefront in all their minds.

Anduin appeared in the balcony, with Senna at his side, while Bors and Gia stood behind him. All looked over the mass gathering and all awaited Anduin to speak.

“Citizens of Stormwind!” he began “I greet you as Anduin, king of Stormwind and of the Alliance. I would like to start with confirming some rumours that may have been heard. It is true that I have dismissed Sebastian Shaw. He failed in his duty and has been placed on leave. Please do not interfere with any investigations but give all your assistance to any guards who may require your help. Secondly. I can now confirm, that the Death Knight Souldefiler, who helped all of us in so many dangers and wars, has agreed to return to us and aid us in the threats that face our Alliance, be they from the Horde, or from other dangers.”

The crowd cheered rapturously. Anduin raised his hand and the crowd fell silent except for a few voices “And at long last, I am proud, and and with great pleasure, am able to announce to you all that Stormwind is once again, have a Queen. On this day I announce to you all, it is my intention to take the hand of Senna as wife, and Queen of Stormwind!”

Senna raised her hand to the crowd below who once again erupted into cheers. “My friends!” she said. “I am honoured to be given the opportunity to be your Queen, alongside the King. May this strengthen the Alliance, and bring us peace for all!”

The crowd cheered. Stepping forward Anduin once again raised his hand for silence. "I hereby announce that today is to be declared a holiday, and may all citizens join Senna and I in our happiness.

For the Alliance!" he cried, and the crowd cheered and repeated his call.

Turning from the balcony he returned to the throne room followed by Senna, Bors and Gia.

“That went well” he said as he at on his throne. The three knelt in front of him. Suddenly Anduin’s eyes widened and he motioned for a guard. “Bring a chair, i will not have my future queen kneel like the rest when she is soon to be royalty.”

The guard paused. “Majesty? We only have the chairs in the war room at the moment. there has been no official order to make Senn… her majesty, a proper… chair…”

Anduin turned and barked at the guard “Then go and make one. Now!”
The guard paused and replied “Of course Majesty” before going to the war room and bringing a chair. Setting it beside the throne Senna sat down and folded her arms across her lap.

“That is better. Not quite a chair fit for a Queen.Not yet” he said as he looked at Senna. Senna’s eyes dropped and she smiled as she replied “Not yet”

Turning to his two remaining advisors he asked them where was Souldefiler. “She will be here tomorrow. her two main champions, Deverra and Belios will arrive before her to bring you her plea for clemency”

“It shall of course be granted immediately” said Anduin. “Now forgive me my dear, I still have matters of state to attend to and protocol demands only royalty may attend. i fear you must wait for my return.”

"Of course my love " replied Senna as Anduin rose and closed the door of the council chamber behind him. Soon only Senna, Bors and Gia were left in the throne room surrounded by guards.

“Come” she said. “Let’s go somewhere quiet. We need to prepare ourselves” Gia and Bors nodded and followed her out of the Keep. Trying their best to avoid the still cheering crowds they made their way back to Old Town.
Entering their rented house they all sat down. “It goes well. in fact. it could not have gone better” said Bors as he poured them all a drink. Handing Gia a glass of wine he handed Senna a glass of water.

Looking at it with disgust she snarled “Get me a drink of wine i’m not in his presence now”. Bors laughed and obliged. “You are a very good actor” he said, handing her one. “His touch revolts me” she said, taking a mouthful.
Even if I was inclined to love him, he is weak. To easily manipulated." Gia peered at her. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but when you two were alone before he dismissed Shaw…” She chuckled. “You know… Romantic…”

Then Senna really did laugh “Oh don’t be ludicrous.” Gia then laughed as well. Bors raised a hand. “quiet… Quiet” he said. “We are being watched.” Slowly rising he moved quietly to the window. Quickly shooting out an arm he grabbed a gnome by the hair and yanked it into the room. The gnome sprawled on the floor between the feet of the three Devoted. “Well well " said Senna “What do we have here?” as she stood up and drew a dagger. “I mean no harm!” squeaked the gnome as it fell to it’s knees. I only wanted to see my future Queen…” Senna sheathed her dagger and sat down again. “So you thought it wise to sneak around and follow us?” The gnome looked around, sweat beginning to form. “I am sorry…”

Senna rose from her chair and assumed her ghastly wolf from “You will be” she growled, and fell on the gnome.

Chapter 3. A Royal delegation.

On the horizon of Stormwind Harbour the guards could make out a ship as it approached. “This vessel,” said the guard to the harbour master “Who is it bringing?” The Master checked his logs. “It is bringing two passengers,
one named Deverra and the other Belios, who are to be granted immediate audience with the king.”

“I see” said the guard. "The ship docked and the two passengers disembarked. The guard came to them. “Guests of Stormwind, i am to escort you immediately to his majesty Anduin. please, follow us.” The honour guard assumed formation and marched to the keep, Deverra and Belios following. Soon they approached the Keep. “Please wait here, a valet will be here shortly” The guards saluted and returned to their duty.

“So this is where the three Devoted are lurking” said Deverra. “I hope for their sake they do not disappoint. I shall enjoy making them suffer if they fail”
Belios said nothing except for a grunt.
“Nothing to add?” asked Deverra. “Not really” replied Belios. “This city still stinks of filth even with our undead noses”.
“It stinks of the living and those who have yet to become devoted to her. This purge will be glorious.”

Belios smiled “oh yes…”

The valet appeared and bowed. “Please follow me I will show you to the King.” They followed him into the Keep where they saw Anduin talking to a guard. Coming in hearing range they heard him dismiss the guard with orders to bring his advisors and his Queen.

Marching past the guard hurried out of the room. Anduin came to them and greeted them warmly as both bowed. “Ahh so Souldefiler will soon be here?”

“Yes Anduin” said Deverra “she will be arriving later today. She still has matters to attend to before she can beg your mercy. Her safety is paramount and she fears betrayal by unseen hands.”

“She has nothing to fear I have already granted her request and dismissed those who would harm her” replied Anduin.

Belios nodded “Then all is well. We are also here to check security for our Mistress, it would still be wise to be cautious. I hope that will not be a problem.”

No of course." replied Anduin. Looking over her should he saw the three devoted come up the stairs. “Ahh here are my two advisors and future Queen!” Turning Deverra and Belios raised eyebrows unseen to Anduin. The three made no sign. Anduin sat on the throne and Senna took her chair beside him.

“Milady I offer you my congratulations” said Belios bowing. Deverra bowing also said nothing. “Thank you honoured guests. Our mutual friend comes soon?” she asked.

Anduin’s eyes shone with pride.

“Yes she will be here soon.” said Deverra. “May I suggest we speak in private? I do not wish to bore our King with out tales of sitting in a ship cabin playing cards to while away hours”

Anduin rose. “Of course. You must have a lot to catch up on. Please, use the library, i shall have it made solely for your purpose only and give strict orders not be disturbed.”

All five followed him to the library and waited for the door to be closed. “Bors went to the door and made sure it was secured. “We are safe now” he said, as they all sat down around a table.”

Gia spoke first. “Why are you here? We were to secure Stormwind and we have done so. All is ready and many people have sworn devotion. When she comes, Stormwind will fall quickly”

Belios spoke first. “Yet not without incident. You have already seen our Mistress’ wrath…” as she lowered her voice mockingly “Queen… Senna” as she looked at Senna. “You may not know it yet, but we are more than simple Devoted. Great power she bestowed upon us. What we see, she sees. What we hear. She hears. And she is displeased with all of you. You have been too long in preparing.”

Bors Senna and Gia said nothing as Deverra walked around behind them “You know of what we speak” she said bringing her mouth to Senna’s ear. “Do not assume you will be Queen in more than name. Anduin is to a slave. To Souldefiler. Not you, except as a dalliance or a toy.” Senna said nothing as Deverra walked past her chair. “Why are you here if not to torment us with threats?” asked Bors.

“We are here to bring about an apocalypse” said Belios. Her plans have changed.
At first, she was willing to give them a chance of a devoted life. But now she has tapped into powers unheard of, and her power is great. Now we are to destroy all and kill all. The ones who are worthy will be risen as Devoted.
The rest, go to the tombs and the Icy Pits."

Gia spoke, as he visibly swallowed. “Icy Pits? Where we were all tested? What lies there?”

Deverra looked to Belios who smiled in return and each spoke after the other.
“They do not know.”
“They did not see?”
“They did not look”
“Perhaps they were silent, the voices of the Tombs”

Senna looked up. “I know what they speak of” she said, as Bors and Gia looked at her.

“You do? what is it?” asked Bors.

“It is where she gathers the souls of those who she deems unfit. There they are imprisoned in tombs of ice, only their souls remain. And she can even torture their souls. We have all been there, but not all see the true purpose of that place. There we were tested when we accepted her gift. And there we will be brought, if we displease her.”

Lifting her shirt she showed the hideous scars on her belly. “This is what I suffered, when i displeased Souldefiler. She took me screaming to the Tombs, her cold touch burning my very mind. Then she threw me to the floor, and invisible hands held me fast. Then she burned with icy fire, as she stood upon a circle and she seemed to be empowered. Her power was absolute, and when the torture was over, I felt new Devotion, so strong, i would have gladly done anything for her at that moment. Pain and Ecstasy.” She sat back and smiled as she stared at the ceiling.

Bors said nothing but Gia allowed his curiosity to get the better of him “So it would be a good idea to annoy her”

Belios laughed. “You think so? Try it. If you want to test her by all means. If you want, i can send you there now, and you can let your own hubris decide if it was worth it. Do you want to try it?”

Gia backed down. “No. No I do not.” Deverra smiled “Very wise. Now. Our plans are simple. When this wedding takes place, all the citizens will be gathered to join the celebration. When that happens, the purging begins. The army of undead that Souldefiler brings will emerge from the depths, and slaughter all. We are to take Anduin and make him suffer. Then he is to be given to Souldefiler, who will break him as her puppet to rule over a kingdom of corpses.”

You mean undead?" said Bors. “No” said Belios “He is to rule, over a kingdom of corpses until he himself joins them. That is her desire. And of course when he dies, he will then be raised as Senna’s reward.”

Senna, still staring at the ceiling, smiled even wider. “My reward…” she whispered.

“And who will be leading this slaughter” asked Gia. “We will presumably be elsewhere preventing aid to Stormwind”.

Deverra again smiled. “For Devoted Champions you don’t know much. It would seem Souldefiler doesn’t think much of you as she does of Her Eyes and Ears. But yes. You are to prevent aid. Her General, Ly’Ker, and his two captains, will lead the slaughter”

“And then?” asked Bors. “What then? Are we to return to the Halls?”

“Yes” said Belios “We all are. The Devoted who will remain should be more than enough to maintain devotion in Stormwind. And Orgrimmar as well, it too shall suffer the same fate.”

“I see” said Gia. “So Punicilla and Twill have also completed their mission?” “Yes and more” said Belios. “They have captured a famed Farstrider who will soon be turned, D’eea brings him to Souldefiler even as we speak. And they have turned a new Champion to Devotion”

“We have no need to visit them” said Deverra.

“The halls… the hunger…” muttered Senna, still staring at the ceiling. Bors pulled her shirt and her head fell onto her chest. “Wake up.” Senna slowly raised her head and smiled through glassy eyes. “I want more” she said, and suddenly changed into her wolf.

Running around the chamber she scattered books everywhere. Suddenly she fell to the floor and changed back to her normal form. Bors and Gia rushed to her side and Belios barked “Leave her.” Leaving her prone Gia and Bors returned to their seats.

“This is why we are here.” said Deverra. pointing at Senna’s prone form “Now we simply wait, until She arrives. Then it begins.”

Chapter 4. Out of Exile.

Riding hard through rain and thunder the two shrouded figures rode hard into Redridge. Reining their mounts in the two figures looked at each other and dismounted. Slowly they made their way into a yard surrounded by a broken fence and only the ramshackle remains of a house became visible thanks to a sudden burst of lightning. Ducking down the two figures made their way to the house and let themselves in. With only the sound of beating rain to greet them they removed their hoods and Mathias Shaw and Valeera Sanguinar stood once again.

“Damn this weather” said Valeera. “I hope this is the place you are looking for.” Shaw, who was on his knees scanning the floor, looked up “So do I” and resumed his search. “What are you looking for?” asked Valeera.

“This…” said Shaw as he suddenly rose on one knee and pulled on a previously covered iron ring. Pulling up a trap door he made his way down the ladder. As his head reached the floor he looked up. “Whatever you do…” he said… “Do not ask for welcome.”

Valeera nodded. “I see…” and she followed him into the tunnel.

Lighting a small torch laying close by they slowly made their way down the tunnel. Nothing could be heard except for the soft crunch of their feet on the ground. Turning a corner they suddenly faced a door, glowing with an eerie light. “This is it” whispered Shaw. “This is where we will find him. Hopefully, he will aid us in the coming struggle and avert what I fear with be a disaster unknown to this world”

Sanguinar nodded. “OK so what do we do? knock on the door?”
Shaw smiled. “That was the plan” as he knocked softly. The knocks echoed through the tunnel and Valeera suddenly felt they were being watched.

Spinning round she thought she could see glowing lights slowly crawling towards them. “Shaw… hurry.” she whispered. Shaw again knocked. “Still no reply.” he said. The lights drew closer, and more appeared. Now they had a blue hue and Sanguinar feared the worst.

“Shaw. the undead… are coming…” Turning he came round and looked over her shoulder. “Yes. They are. But if my guess are correct, they have sealed their own doom.”

Valeera hissed as he turned to the door again. “We cannot fight them in this tunnel Shaw”.

He turned smiling. “We won’t have to”. Knocking again, this time louder the door began to open from the other side. A staff was suddenly thrust into the tunnel, narrowly missing both Shaw and Valeera.

Then a clear voice cried “Begone wretch!” and a flash of light illuminated the tunnel. Valeera then saw their pursuer. A mass of eyes and rending claws, filled the entire tunnel between them, slowly pulling itself towards them. With no chance of escape that way she drew her daggers.

“That will not be necessary” said the voice behind the door as it door suddenly opened revealing a shaft of light. Screaming in pain the beast retreated back up the tunnel.

“Be careful of fire, you never know what else it will bring. Now come in.” Entering the room the door was closed behind them.

Taking off their soaked robes they followed their host into the next room where still with his back to them gestured them to sit. “Shaw?” whispered Valeera. “Where are we?” Shaw smiled “Wait and see.” and opened his water bottle.

“I can offer you more than water Master Shaw” said the voice “I am not without basic hospitality, even here.” Walking to a cupboard he took out a bottle and some food. placing it on the table, still shrouded he sat down across from them. “Please. Eat.” he said and took a piece of moldy bread.

Looking at it suspiciously Valeera graciously declined. “Wine will be fine thank you” she said. “Would our host be gracious enough to reveal themselves to their guests?”

Shaw laughed. The figure also laughed.

“I assume you two know each other.” she said, slightly put out.

“Yes we do” said the voice. “But I see you do not. Forgive me. My name is Gemellus, and I know why you have come here.”

The three now sat in the light. Gemellus sat and said nothing, as Shaw recounted all the events of the last few days. Sighing he put his arms an the table and looked sideways at Shaw.

“You should have come here earlier… The Guardian would have been less troublesome. He does hate it when I have uninvited guests.”

“Guardian?” asked Valeera “You know that thing that chased us?”

Gemellus smiled. “Yes. It’s a gift I kept from the Scourge, if you can call it a gift. It lost all sense of purpose when Arthas fell and I trained it. Now it serves as my Guardian against intruders. it saw you coming, allowed you in, and if I had not wished for visitors, it would have devoured you.”

Shaw smiled “Still up to your old tricks I see.”

Gemellus nodded. “Why have you come? I told you on our last meeting not to disturb me unless need were dire”

Shaw sighed. “Needs are dire. She is coming. Just as you told me. i tried to tell Anduin, he would not listen. They got to him first.”

“They?” asked Gemellus “Who is this they you speak of?”

“Three companions of Souldefiler who by various means of guile and deceit, have turned the mind of Anduin. indeed he is making one his wife…”

At this Gemellus started. Looking sharply at both Shaw and Valeera, he whispered “Describe them. Did they give names?”

Valeera said “One is a Draenei, a Gnome, and a Human. The Human was calle…”

Gemellus cut her off. “Senna the Shaman. Gia the Rogue, and Bors the Hunter.”

Standing up he muttered “So She has unleashed you. But what of the other two…” Shaw looked up. “So you recognise them? Who is this other two?”

Gemellus sat down again. “I do not need to repeat my tale to you Shaw, you already know it, and you can repeat it to Ms Sanguinar in time. The other two are named Twill and Punicilla. Soulefiler no doubt has sent them to Orgrimmar to corrupt them as your three corrupt Stormwind.”

“Two more arrived today. My spies tell me that they are named Deverra and Belios. The guard who met them told my spies he has never felt so cold or afraid for his life in such a way”

Now Gemellus did look worried. “Belios? Deverra? Then that means… Souldefiler herself is coming within days? If not hours?”

“Yes” said Valeera “The three before and now these two are advising Anduin to prepare. For her coming and she will help them save Stormwind.”

Gemellus laughed softly. “Save Stormwind? Bitter irony.” He looked up at Shaw and Valeera. “By saving she means she is going to kill every single person there, raze it to the ground and raise you all as Devoted.”

Shaw looked up. “I have heard that name before, Devoted. I assume it links to the Death knight.”

“Yes it does” said Gemellus. “The two others, Deverra and Belios. Can you describe them?”

“No” said Shaw “We left before they arrived, although i was informed of their imminent arrival.”

“Then there is no time to be lost” said Gemellus. “Come we must go at once.” as started packing a bag.

“Go where?” said Sanguinar. “To Stormwind?”

“No” said Gemellus. “I need to go to Silvermoon. I need to seek the help of the Farstrider.”

“We cannot go with you into Silvermoon” said Shaw. “That should be obvious”

Gemellus looked at him. “I said go to Silvermoon, not into Silvermoon. I need to see the Farstrider Brigan. His help will be invaluable.”

“He will not help Stormwind” said Valeera.

“No he will not. Not willingly. But he will when he sees what fate will befall Orgrimmar if Stormwind falls” said Gemellus.

“When do we leave?” asked Shaw.

“Immediately” said Gemellus. “But first I must do something.” Heading back into the room he pulled open a drawer and took out a ring and a small painting.

“Come with me” he said, and both followed him deeper into the house.

Coming to a winding tunnel they started a slow climb. After a while the path leveled and they followed Gemellus into a chamber with 3 small stones in the centre. Shaw motioned Valeera to kneel. Puzzled, Valeera asked “Why?”

“Just do it” replied Shaw and both kneeled. Gemellus went to each stone one by one and with the ring on his hand said something they couldn’t hear. The chamber then filled with a blue light and the forms of a woman and small boy shimmered in the gloom.

Gemellus stood up and addressed the forms. “My loving wife Selonia, I must leave. My destiny calls. I may not return.”

The figure smiled and came to him. “My love. long have we languished here in this prison. But you must do what you feel to be right. If this is indeed your destiny, we will soon be together. All I ask, is that you free her from her torments. She has done nothing,”

Gemellus’ head dropped

“How do i do this my love. If I free one, it destroys the other. I had hoped, both, could be saved.”

“You must choose between the two my love. But One cannot survive long without the other and only one can be saved. It will be up to you to decide. I cannot choose for you.” Bowing her head Selonia spoke no more.

Gemellus then kneeled in front of the small buy. “My son. I never forgave myself for your fate. But I promise you. We will be together, all of us. Just as it once was.” The boy’s face remained impassive. Gemellus voice grew softer.

“I know you hate me for what happened. You blame your sister. Your sister was blameless. The one who did this to you, to us, she is to blame.”

The boy spoke. “Aunt Pammie told us you were dead and she was going to look after us. Then we got sick and mama got sick too. Aunt Pammie never came back, same as you didn’t. I wish you had come back dad, mama missed you”

Gemellus nodded. “I know my son. I will make this better. For you. Mama. And you sister.”

The boy spoke again. “And Aunt Pammie?”

Gemellus shook his head. “I do not know. I do not know. I don’t think you will be ever seeing her again”

The boy dropped his head and spoke no more.

Coming to each stone one by one he placed his ringed hand on the stone for a few minutes. Placing the painting in front of all 3 stones he then came to the still kneeling Shaw and Valeera. “Now we go to Silvermoon” and he walked past them.

Valeera watched him go past with a tear in her eye. “I think I understand now” she said to Shaw who turned his head to look at her. “So they were brother and sister And she took everything from him”

Shaw nodded. “Now you see why I wanted to kill her. What she has done. To innocents, and those who once loved her, is unforgivable. She is utterly without remorse, and she would see everyone either die, or worship her.”

Valeera turned to watch the fading figure of Gemellus. “Can he stop her? Will he stop her?” Shaw folded his arms. “Time will tell. Right now, we have to see the Farstrider and return. If by that time Souldefiler has already arrived, I fear the worst. Stormwind will fall. As will Anduin. Then Orgrimmar. Then the whole of Azeroth will be shorn of life and only those Devoted will remain.”

Following Gemellus out of the tunnel they rode like the wind to Silvermoon.

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