Souldefiler's lore

The beginning of the end.

Synopsis. The shattered remains of the Alliance regroup in the Searing Gorge as the Devoted continue to ravage the lands surrounding Stormwind, their influence slowly spreading. Town after town, village after village, all one by one are destroyed and their inhabitants are either taken as unwilling slaves or willing undead. On Kalimdor Genn Greymane as yet unaware of what has happened goes to the aid of the Night Elves lured there by Souldefiler’s champions. The Horde, having barely survived Souldefiler’s attack on Orgrimmar and her attempts to break up their ever-fragile alliances send their strongest champions to aid Anduin and help in the fight against Azeroth’s most dangerous foe. Across the great sea, Brigan carries the one thing capable of destroying her, and her brother rides with Valeera and the Spymaster with invaluable counsel to help defeat his sister who if not stopped will destroy all life and hope in Azeroth.

Anduin rose from an uneasy sleep and fastened the cloak around his body in a vain attempt to keep the howling dust from his face. Coughing violently he opened the canvas door and looked upon a slowly brightening sky as the sun rose above the mountains. Slowly the winds eased as guards stood to attention as he walked towards them, shielding his face with his hand.

“Sire. You should be inside” said the commander of the guard as Anduin came to his side. Looking over the horizon to the shattered remains of Blackrock fortress he nodded. “Yes, I should be, but now is not the time. Gemellus and the Spymaster have requested an audience as soon as possible despite their riding for over a day. I want all leaders of squads to be present when we meet to discuss our plans to return home, we must all be prepared for what we will face. And to be prepared for whatever horror faces us.” He sighed. “It is time. Prepare the meeting” as he fastened his cloak again as another wind began to blow across the plain. As he turned he gazed upon what remained of his people as they all began their daily chores of survival. Some went to rapidly drying wells, others searched for food amongst rubble if not harvesting what they could from what vegetation they could find. He paused to gaze at one woman who was kneeling over a plant that had seen too many leaves stripped. Sensing his approach she looked up still gnawing on a leaf that had long since had any green. Her red-rimmed eyes devoid of any tears or hope, quickly turned back to the ground as she scrabbled into the dirt for roots.

Anduin again felt a lump rise in his throat. he had done this in his blindness. Clenching his fists, he tried to ignore the pain of his wounded hand, the dirt-stained bandage seeping fresh blood as he tried to forget the memory of that day. Perhaps he never would forget.

“Anduin, it is time,” said his Spymaster Shaw as he came towards him. “Yes, it is. Let us go inside.” Following him came the commanders of what was left of the army, their once bright armour dimmed with grime and dented. Inside Anduin took his makeshift throne as the others gathered around the table covered with maps and plans.

“Friends, welcome. I need not address you all individually but some need introduction. We all know our Spymaster and his companion Valeera, but their other companion I feel should make his introduction.” Anduin sat back on his throne as the gathering all turned now to the beaten man who walked to the top of the table.

“Few of you know me. I have led a secretive life, for reasons of my own. My name is Gemellus, and all my deeds need not be repeated here, for they are long. Rumours you may have heard are true. I am Souldefiler’s brother, and I know her past and what she is capable of. I will not insult your intelligence by pretending I know what set her down this path, she was once a Death Knight of Acherus who broke free from the Lich King’s control many years ago. She was honourable but something happened that not even I know of. I visited the Ebon Knights, and even talked to Highlord Mograine but he knows nothing of his Deathlord. He has not heard anything of her since the Legion was vanquished. He chose not to address this council at all, but he is actively searching for her in his way. He has promised to send his knights on the final battle. I also visited the paladins of Light’s Hope, and after a bitter meeting, they have agreed to also help, in revenge for her attack on their sanctum. This also explains the Ebon Knights absence from this council” He glanced over to Lady Liadrin, her arms crossed and staring at the map in a vain attempt to appear nonchalant.

“Lady…” he asked as she turned to glare at him. “I am here to see Azeroth free once again from threats to her and her people. Not here to reopen old wounds” she said. “I am eager to hear your plans”

Gemellus nodded and spoke again. “I do not know what she plans next, but Stormwind is vulnerable while she is not there. her Devoted are strong and her Champions stronger, but their will falters. The further they stretch their hand the weaker their hold becomes.”

“True,” said "Sergeant Anders. “Our scouts into Lakeshire report Devoted scouring the area for slaves but whenever we engage them they either flee or are killed. Yet still more come. Weak though they are, their numbers overwhelm us slowly. And those of us we lose, are claimed as Devoted. It is the Scourge all over again”

“Perhaps that is their weakness,” said Valeera. “We can exploit it. When the Scourge commanders were absent the Scourge were easily defeated. Separate the head from the beast as it were.”

“Not as easy as that,” said Anduin. “The Scourge while true was weaker when no commander was available, these Devoted find something more powerful to feed off. Their devotion to her.”

“We all saw it when her Champions all came,” said Shaw. They used cunning. Guile." He glanced over to Anduin who looked away from Shaw’s gaze.


LIadrin broke an uneasy silence. “This is all in the past. What’s done is done, and we learn from it. What matters now is that she holds Stormwind. That must be our main concern. if we tale Stormwind, we take back Azeroth. It must start from there.”

Suddenly a shout from guards outside broke the silence again. Drawing their weapons the assembled soldiers formed a ring in front of the council as the canvas door shook. “Let us in, we have come to help,” said a muffled voice. Gemellus recognised it immediately.

“Allow them in Anduin, it is help from Orgrimmar”

“Baine…” muttered Anduin softly and nodded. “Give them passage” he commanded, and the soldiers snapped to attention and sheathed their weapons.

"The canvas door opened and the Horde champions entered.

“I am happy to see you Keran” as he took the troll’s hand.

“Stay your glee,” she said heavily. “I have both aid and news.” Your Majesty" she said, bowing to Anduin. “I and my companions have been sent to both warn and aid you. Orgrimmar was attacked by Souldefiler and her army and after a great battle, we barely survived we repulsed her attack and inflicted a defeat. She retreated for some reason and her army soon became overwhelmed. Our council sent us to lead the vanguard from Orgrinnar that leaves soon. We are at your service” as she and her companions all bowed their heads.

Anduin smiled as Shaw looked over to them with a smile of his own. “Please,” he said, as he motioned them to take their places beside Liadrin. “Continue Gemellus,” he said.

Gemellus once again spoke. “She is vulnerable… Tell me exactly what you can” he asked.

"I do not know exactly said "Schmuse, “but I know that she was locked in a hand-to-hand battle with two of our champions when she was struck down by… something. Then she was helped to escape by one of her champions. Then the battle swung in our favour. We were then charged with aiding. But one champion who came with her mysteriously disappeared with Shuma. He returned to the fight after spiriting us away but she was not with him.”

“Who?” asked Gemellus. “Who left?”

“Puny” I think they called her. “The paladin who wore black armour and with a black pallor”

“Punicilla… Could it be you have broken free? Or did she discard you” said Gemellus to no one in particular. At this, Liadrin broke in.

“Punicilla! One of my paladins?” as her voice rose. “She broke from her oath and served Souldefiler?”

“No”. said Gemellus. “She did not break her oath. I was there when Souldefiler killed her and raised her. Of all her “5”… she was the most likely to fight her influence. I fear what has happened to her.”

“If she fell to death then was raised The Seeker will know and judge accordingly,” said Liadrin. “I pray her soul still retains some form of the Light so she will have Ascension.”

Gemellus said nothing. Liadin’s face fell. “But… she will not. I see it in your eyes even though you will not lift them” said Liadrin softly.

“Yes. Now you understand how dangerous Souldefiler is and why she has that name. It is not enough she breaks you to her command, she takes everything from you. Once she has you. There is never any escape. That is the difference between her and the one who created her. perhaps that was his goal after all. His greatest Death Knight, to carry on his work after he was gone.” said Shaw.

“No.” said Gemellus. “A desire for devotion has always burned in her. Something or someone, at some point in her life, or indeed unlife, has given her the power to not only dominate but to corrupt. Defile.”

“This gets us nowhere if all we do is fill ourselves with tales of power and fear. There must be a way to destroy her. Everyone has a weakness” said Keran.

Anduin rose from his throne. “I agree. Let us plan our attack. When will the Horde come?” he asked.

“In two days. They will come from the sea to the Swamps and make their way here.”

“Good. Meantime, while we wait, I want parties to harry these areas.” He pointed to the borders of Lakeshire and Darkshire. “If we can steadily push them back towards Goldshire we can hopefully hold these areas as he marked the towns on the map with markers…”

“It will be difficult with what troops we have” said Anders. “I suggest we do not overreach our strength and try to take the ground we will simply lose again if it leaves enemies at our rear to cut us off.”

“I agree,” said Warspawn. “I suggest we focus on one area. Hold it. Secure it. and bring the camp with us.”

“No” said Schmuse. “That will only slow us and leave the camp vulnerable if the Devoted inevitably counterattacks. There are still very dangerous and powerful Devoted in Stormwind who are more than capable of destroying us if we are stretched.”

Anduin sighed “Yes… Ly’Ker still controls Stormwind, he is not to be underestimated even with a handful of soldiers. Not for nothing is his reputation.”

“So what are we to do?” asked Liadrin. “Are we going to sit here and discuss what to do or are we going to do something?”

“We start now,” said Shaw. Two parties, one to Lakeshire and one to Darkshire. Probe for weakness, destroy, and Devoted, but do not engage a large force, it will alert them. Our best weapon is our as-yet unseen forces growing daily. The more people we free from their terror, the more people we have on our side."

Anduin nodded. “Let the word be sent. Our return home begins.” He looked over to the Horde champions. “I pray you will return home too.”

All bowed and left to their parties. The Alliance prepared to march to Darkshire, the Horde to Lakeshire.

In Stormwind Keep Senna sat on her cold throne glowering as an undead sheffled around her cleaning the cold stone. “I sit here leading ghouls and skeletons. Queen of a rotting kingdom.” Her hands crackled with lightning and the ground at her feet grew hot. She looked up as Ly’ker marched to her throne a thinly disguised grin across his lips.

“What?” she growled" as he stood before her. Noticing he was alone she felt a smile grow. “Where is your puppy D’rae.? Has he lost his way?”

"The smile vanished from Ly’Ker’s lips. “No, he was killed.”

Senna laughed loud “Aww what a shame. Tell me why I should care.”

Ly’ker threw an arrow at her feet and crossed his arms again.

“And?” said Senna as she looked at the arrow then at Ly’Ker.

“Don’t you recognize it?” said Ly’Ker. “It belongs to a hunter.”

“Most arrows do…” said Senna drily.

“Hunters named The Soulclaimer?” answered Ly’Ker.

“Soulclaimer?” laughed Senna as she jumped up from her throne and kicked the ghoul sending it sprawling across the grime-ridden floor. “Oh yes. That Hunter.”

“Yes, it was the person our Mistress took captive as a pet. She was hiding here for some purpose.”

“Does she know?” asked Senna.

“Know what? That she is Soulclaimer? I cannot presume to know our Mistress’s mind.”

As these words left her lips a blue gate crashed open and Souldefiler walked through followed by Devarra and Belios, Senna and Ly’Ker knelt as she approached.

“I knew who she was yes,” said Souldefiler. “I had hoped she would have joined me but it seems not. Not yet.” She walked past them into the courtyard overlooking Stormwind as it continued to rapidly decay.

Devarra and Belios came to either side and stood impassively. For what seemed an eternity they awaited Souldefiler to speak.

“My attack on Orgrimmar failed. I was betrayed and wounded. But I have returned with a strength a hundredfold. I would imagine even now your belethrothed is planning an attack and consequently a return home Senna. How would you have me deal with this?”

“Mistress?” asked Senna confused.

“How would you have me defend your kingdom?” asked Souldefiler as both Devarra and Belios turned to face them.

“Mistress, I would have your devoted seek them out and destroy them.”

“Ly’Ker. How would you have me defend your Queen’s domain?”

Ly’Ker said “I would have you seek out their forces and gather intel. Then form a plan of counter and deal with each threat subtly and without fear”

Souldefiler turned and walked to the throne room as Devbarra and Belios followed.

“And this is why I made you a Queen instead of a commander Senna. Your eagerness is only matched by your foolishness. What do you think would happen if I was to send out an entire army to deal with a handful of desperate people hiding in the shadows, their best weapon secrecy?”

"Senna said nothing. “Exactly,” said Souldefiler. “They would simply melt into the shadows and you would have left Stormwind wide open. Lyker. Find these parties and kill them all. Bring me their leaders.” as she sat on Senna’s throne.

“Mistress. Does this mean you will lead us?” asked Ly’ker joyously.

“Yes” said Souldefiler. “All of us. It is time I unleashed my full might on the Eastern Kingdoms. All the Devoted you have given me will be sent out in war parties to ravage and destroy everything. Do you understand? Leave nothing that flame and destruction cannot take. Leave nothing for the rabble of Anduin to make use of. Wherever he goes, let him find nothing of value. I give you the authority to travel as far north as you desire. Give me Devoted as you go. I expect you to return for the full glorious end battle with an army.”

Ly’ker crossed his arms, nodded, and immediately left. In the courtyard horns blasted the air, and throughout the vale drums beat a constant rhythm calling all to war.

Senna looked down as thousands of Devoted all scrambled to arms. “Why did you tell me it was a foolish thing to empty Stormwind when you are doing it yourself?” she asked.
Souldefiler rose and stood next to her. “Because my dear Senna” as she ruffled her hair, “you would have emptied Stormwind to step on a fly. I emptied Stormwind to crush an entire land. Now I have a task for you. Find the one called “Brigan”, he escaped my grasp thanks to Punicilla and is now making his way to Gemellus. Use your farsight to find him.”

Semma nodded and strained her sight. Clouds swirled and her vision seemed to be forever dim. “I see nothing,” she said. “Try harder, I must know,” said Souldefiler.

"Her mind straining, Senna dug deep into her strength but still the Farsight revealed nothing. “I see nothing” she groaned as she collapsed wheezing from the strain. Souldefiler held her head firmly and scowled. “I must know where he is and what he took. Try harder/ Much harder” as she let her head go. “Belios,” she said while still looking at Senna’s pained face.

“Yes Mistress,” she said striding over.

“Help her strength. I must know what he carries”

“Mistress” replied Belios as she took hold of Senna and channeled strength into her. Senna’s eyes blazed with blue flame and her wolf form slowly took hold. Struggling between her two forms and Belios’ unyielding grip her Frasight blazed in clarity. Suddenly see saw a small vessel with a gaunt figure clutching the mast as it was buffeted amongst the waves. Then she saw the unmistakable coastline of the Barrens on the horizon. Her gaze then focused on the figure’s belt and there she saw a bottle with a white fire burning inside. The vision then switched to the coastline where the vessel was drifting and on the coastline, elven figures came into focus. And one figure became clearer than all as the unmistakable Genn Greymane shouted orders to bring the vessel in. Then the vision faded once again into darkness.

“Greymane” she whispered… “Greymane lives” she whispered hoarsely. Belios released her grip and looked up to the impassive face of Souldefiler who stood looking at them both. Senna took her wolf form and howled as she paced in circles, lightning coursing over her shivering body. Then she collapsed and returned to her Draenie form, her body wracked with pain.

"Souldefiler turned and walked to the throne and sat down. “Greymane will learn what happened here. he will make all speed to return. What else did you see Senna?”

Senna coughed and rose to one knee. “I saw…” as she coughed again. “I saw a figure on a boat. It had a bottle. Inside was a white fire. it seemed to guide the mast and protect it. It knew the way to go. It was heading to the shore.”

“What shore? Where? Tell me everything.”

“It is the shores of the Barrens. I saw a burning fortress next to a deep burning chasm, remains of Deathwing’s return.”

Ly’Ker spoke. “If this is true I would guess the person you seek has already landed and met with this Greymane. They will undoubtedly already be making their way here to join Anduin.”

He looked nervously at Devarra who simply returned his glance with a shrug.

“Puny…” whispered Souldefiler. Your final act of defiance. Well done."

By now all 4 of her champions were standing in front of her.

“Mistress,” asked Senna. “I have been away too long from your side. What has happened.”

Souldefiler crossed her knees and replied “Puny has done well for her allies. But not my Devoted. Senna. Go back to my citadel and take her to this place I will tell you of. It will be her eternal prison until I am ready to unleash her on my enemies. When you get there, you will give her this little toy. When you put it around her neck it will show her the power of devotion and empower her beyond all imagining. And will be… My. Final act of defiance.”

Reaching over to Senna she removed the accursed collar she bore and handed it to Senna. “Place this on her neck then return to me”

"Senna rubbed her neck, bowed then opened a gate and walked through.

“Belios. Devarra. Travel to Kalimdor where Senna’s sight lay its eye. Bring me back this thing that this Brigan carries, it belongs to me.”

She stood up and came within inches of them. “Do not fail me. I must have this soul”

Devarra and Belios spun on their heels and left. Souldefiler sat down again on the throne her brow furrowed in thought.

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Is this refernece to punyelf ? :rofl:

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