Soulshape gives me cancer

But 6 k shield won’t keep him alive anyway but allows him to restealth with Flame Shock on.

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They don’t. They always have it. Actually Avidance I can’t say for certain as I haven’t seen him play or faced him this season, but Whaaz, on stream, always has it. Racher had it when I queued into him this season. Akro also has it most of the time.

Everyone knows it’s op. Why would they not have it ? Even they say it’s op. No one would go like “OK so this is your very best conduit, but look, I’ll not play it”.

I’m not talking about this season. I meant that they got Rank 1 for years when it was not existing. I was not clear enough.

The game was totally different. That’s not an argument.

Multiple rets got rank one in the past without healing as much as a healer and being top dps.

Multiple warriors got rank one in the past without that overloaded kit.

Multiple mages got rank one in the past without triune.

Should I really go on ? You can’t just pick a conduit now and say look, it didn’t exist before please remove now. The game has changed, maybe now this conduit is important. With the damage rogue now deals against prepared players and the power of off heals at the moment, plus some cool anti dispel stuff such as UA with the corruption slow, if you can’t guarantee restealths you may as well leave the game right away.


If only Blizzard would do the logical thing tbh. Attempting to balance around the crit legendary is going to put the class in a terrible position to both play as, and against.

No it wasn’t much different to be honest. It’s basically removing one mechanic and making way too forgiving for Rogue. Rogue doesn’t have to trade any cd too restealth at all and with the legendary you have to use major CD for every opener. No class has enough CDs to play around it condsidering how high Mage burst is currently. On Wednesday it will change a bit but I’m literally forced to play Resto legendary into Rogue/Healer, Mage/Rogue or Mage/Boomkin because otherwise someone who already used trinket for the go will be dead. It’s way too forgiving. I respect your opinions Shadenox because 99% of the times you are very reasonable but here I can’t agree.

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Before the meta didn’t feature comps with double disarm or disarm sanc. Creating a go with this without stealth is extremely hard. Before the meta didn’t feature a 26s slow that your healer can’t dispel so if you don’t go stealth with a shield you can’t connect. Before the meta didn’t include orc Sephuz making a full kidney last 4.2s, and a no DR cheap shot 2.8s, which leads to set ups being extremely hard to pull off.

True but these are other broken things Shade. You can’t justify 1 broken thing with other. All these things have to go. I actually want Blizzard to revert Kyrian damage nerfs because meta is slower now and I don’t think Sub would kill in the same fashion now.

Our goal should be to keep Rogue playstyle as it was with small differences and tweaks to shake the meta not turn it upside down because devs forgot to include PvP in their mind when they designed certain things. It shows that some devs literally ignore the fact that PvP exist. Or they try to cover stupid designs like Soulshape with Corruption legendary and making them squishy. I’m 100% sure that every Warlock would enjoy playing Affli similarly to WoD or latest seasons of Legion not dying whenever something touched them. It’s not only unfun but also unhealthy for the game.

No its not. It was already nerfed to 65% effectivness in pvp. Now its only going to be 50% effectiveness. So only a small nerf.

They can only buff Rogue damage after getting rid of the Crit legendary.

If Rogues needs a 7-10% nerf how big does Arms need ? 30% ?

Not that Warrior can CC rogue as much, Stormbolt, Disarm, Fear, even intervene is like 6 seconds CC.

If rogues can’t restealth? Right don’t they have 2 stacks of shadowdance with a cd lowering component?

I think they can live without 20% hp shields when they stealth

Rogue would be able to restealth but it will require to put an effort into it.

I just want people to realize that due to this conduit and the legendary stealth is a no cd ability that gives you 100% crit chance when you atack and gives you a 20% hp shield.

Dot classes literalyl can’t break a rogue stealth anymore

thats actually the most disgusting conduit in the game right now. really noob friendly

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