It really beats me that Soundless needs a 6-8hr respawn time with a, as is currently showing a 0.3% chance to drop his mount.
Rustfeather and Arachnoid Harvester have low chances as well, but Rustfeather spawns between 20-60 minutes, and Harvester around 45-60 from what I noticed.
So what gives Soundless being treated so differently? I really would not mind his spawn timer, if the drop rate was a little higher. To put this into perspective; I have been in lets say about 15, 40 man raid groups who killed Soundless. Not everyone made it to those in time of course.
Soundless, I’ve seen drop twice. Thats 600 people, not counting the randoms who were not in these groups. I personally, have seen Rust mount and Arachnoid drop more than a 6-8hr rare???
I want to get this mount, but I’m feeling I’m just chasing a ghost. Get lucky enough he spawns - Get lucky enough it doesnt get nuked - Get lucky enough it drops.
Huolon, had a 30-70 minute respawn timer, 70 minutes being around the longest. You could kill him multiple times a day, and he had one spawn point.
Soundless has a 6-8hr respawn timer, killable once per day, and has multiple spawn points.
What gives Blizzard? This is not a fun, nor rewarding farm. You get 60-100 AP. Wow! Big reward.
The 2 people above seem to lack reading comprehension skills. He didn’t ask to be “spoon fed”, he’s not crying because he wants the mount to be handed for free to everyone. He is just complaining about how stupid this rare is, there is nothing rare and prestigious in this mount, it just requires no lifing the game + an insane amount of luck to get it and it makes no sense.
if its 2hour respan with same drop ratet(0,3% thats like same drop rate as tusks of mannoroth) doesnt make evryone will have it. even at 1% tt will still be really rare
and its still once a day per char
Nagrash isn’t trolling, I feel the same way…
It’s like Blizz now is a big daddy who killed all the fun with their spawn times/drop rates to appease idiots like second poster or any of the asmoboi crew.
Blizz you will loose way more cash and subs if you attempt to push retail into the nolife prestige direction. You biggest competitor owns you hard by offering casuals way more, and will keep taking cash from you.
Instead of trying to melt ppl brains with afk camping and bugs like 8.2 what you should have done is to double down on making game availabile for all via different content difficulty. Guilds are trash. Communities based on the activities is what makes ppl do staff together on casual lvl.
If you haven’t introduced m+ system, you would be a bottom lvl MMO company already. Unless you wake up and make raids the same way, bring back pvp vendors and ice your stupid timegating / low drop rate / afk camp practices you will be stack with 100k subs of asmogold viewers and tbh it will be well deserved.
Been doing my dailies every day, haven’t even once seen soundless. I think the droprate is fine, but respawn time should be the same as rustfeather. I don’t mind camping it every day for a bit, but these respawn timers are just plain stupid, it spans longer than my daily play time.
Sorry, I really tried my best to look for where your reply made sense, but couldn’t find anything. The guy is complaining about the respawn time being too long which prevents him from chain farming the mob, therefore lowering his chances to get a mount he’s gunning for. In other words : he wants it to be more accessible, which would ultimately result in it being less rare since a lot more people would have it.
Simply saying how “stupid the rare is” without further expanding your cheap argument clearly shows you have nothing even remotely close to whatever could be referred to as a proper argument.
Yet another crybaby who wants everything to be served to him on a golden tray.
8 hours respawn timer
0.3% drop
Low hp so it gets nuked instantly
Multiple spawn locations
Daily lockout
And I still have to expand my argument to prove that this rare is stupid?
No, he’s just asking for the mount to be realistically obtainable because as it is now it’s impossible to get without no lifing the game on top of having insane luck.
The majority of these rare spawns are disappointing to say the least, open world content is fine but putting it on such exclusive timers with HP pools that last less than a minute just causes people to wait around for pops and wastes peoples time. (yea I know this is what blizzard wants)
I thought this kind of stuff died out with the old school mmo’s.
How did you reach that conclusion is beyond me.
OP simply asks for an actual chance to be able to see the bloatray, let alone have an actual chance at it.
RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG just to be able to tag the bloody thing is not fun, nor does it bring anyone any sort of prestige.
Sorry, but a generic recolour of one of many Bloatrays being harder to obtain and get lucky with than for instance Invincible is stupid. It also has a 0.3% drop chance which is lower than most raid mount drops, and that is even if you manage to score a kill for the day because he is almost never up in group finder and most people kill it solo.
I am sure your lady is proud to have such noble white knight.
when he will advocate and promote even tighter handicapped gameplay for your casual i hope you will experience a true euphoria!
Please tell me you do realize you’re rephrasing the same idea as mine.
And it just so happens that this pile of RNG is precisely what makes the rarity of the mount, again for the reasons stated above, and it’s amazing how you people are so closed off to your nonsensical opinion that you keep blurting out the same empty arguments, if they can be called that way at all. What is fun and what isn’t is not for you nor anyone else to decide.