So...when do we get overpowered?

Anyone else feel that the event has been oversold just a little bit? Specifically the “overpowered” aspect. I haven’t once felt more powerful than a none-remix alt, in fact I’ve felt weaker throughout. Now I’m 70 and can’t out damage lower levels in dungeons.

Now I understand that eventually, with a lot of dedication and grinding (or insert latest frog equivalent) you can certainly get overpowered, but do we have to feel so weak in the meantime? It honestly feels by the time it starts to feel like “woa, i’m doing some crazy stuff here” we will have played it so much that it won’t be fun anymore =/

I came for the bang bang boom boom, rapid pace, solo dungeons, boss smacking MoP experience but instead I’ve got the “mediocre alt does Pandaria loremaster with extra spells” experience O.o


Its been 6 days.
Give it time.
Even wihout farming you will get more power

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Yeah, was wondering as well. I was expecting the “overpowered” part to start early during leveling, but apparently that’s not the case as leveling past 60 is becoming a slog again.

Guess the “overpowered” part would start one year into grinding at max level… and they missed out on the fact that the game mode will only stay for another 90 days and that grinding at max level is utterly pointless, since nothing of the accomplished “power ups” will carry over to the retail character, so I certainly won’t keep playing after hitting max level.

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I already feel overpowered in hc dungeons and lfr.

Normal raids too if healers know how to heal ward

Hc raids ? Yeah it will take 1 more week of cloak farm and will get there already on track to upgrade stuff to 444 today and slowly on my way to 3k stats on cloak.

Not a single frog or goat killed.

Im feeling pretty overpowered, I can take on groups of mobs very easily.

The only mob ive had trouble with was the zandalari scout rare as he managed to get me to like 5-10% couple of times, but due to my leech, absorbs & self healing i managed to solo him.

My character feels pretty strong with 400 gear, 100% mastery, 50ish% crit and 1 mil HP. And it is enough for me. Now I can use bronze to get the collectibles.

I did a heroic scarlet monastery dungeon; here were the dps results from the last boss.

Lv/Class Damage dps Percent
16 Druid 22M 580K 51%
20 Priest 9M 240K 21%
20 Paladin 8M 207K 18%
70 Paladin 2M 56K 5%
70 Mage 2M 56K 5%

It’s kind of broken when the lowest level characters are carrying the max level characters. It should be the other way around!

On the trash the lower level guys were pushing above 1million DPS.

So to answer the OP; you start over powered and get gradually weaker until lv70 and stay weak until you spend 500k of bronze that you’re advertised to be spending on cosmetics. (I’ve been spending my bronze on cosmetics btw; take a screwdriver to the broken power fantasy).


probably on last day of event

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The guy who was overpowered yesterday in my LFR

Vs me who is not remotely powerful


I will never understand why blizzard love this system called scaling. It has nothing but brought misery in to the game.

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