SP need nerfs now

And which one will it be after SP?

This whole begging for nerfs feels like a vicious cycle. Nerf A enables B. Nerf B enables C. Nerf C enables D. Until you enable A again.


Sp has to cast all it’s damage. Just literally do nothing but interrupt and micro cc and hard cc the priest and you get a free win.

Or junp behind a pillar, that works too, since he can’t chase you because our mobility is non-existant.

Alternatively lower our damage but also make all of our abilities instant cast like half the roster has these days. That suits me fine as well.


Complain 's about shadow equal complain of Warri with too much damage if you take away his mobility charge and leap

People would stand in the Warri how rp walks into them and complain they die

Shadow is such a nice specc too play against ton of counterplay vs him, interrupt, dispell and micro cc, purge, LOS with mobility

Unfortunately nobody at blizz give a :poop: about pvp. These buffs were dor pve where sp is dogwater even with the buffs. If there was atleast one person giving crap about pvp then these buff wouldnt affect pvp. But ye…here we are.

If Blizz would fix Demo bugs then Demo could be dangerous, but now we are too cluttered in never ending torrent of AI bugs of demons and not working mechanics of Soul leech.

They could buff SP for PvE only like many other times they buffed ability X making a Note “Doesn’t apply for PvP”.

Blizz needs to fire whoever is responsible for pvp balance. Clearly they are so clueless. Actually rediculous.

yeah funfact i wasnt even against affli, maybe dmg nerf, defensive buff, but i prefer everything over annoying Ai demo/bm hunt meta

next worst thing what will happen, rdrood being back to s+ dampe tier :sleeping: :sleeping_bed:

To be fair apart from some random Demolish one shots (provided all stars on the sky align perfectly for it to work) Arms still feels just mid.

Supertease vid about firemage was kind of fun too watch another “caster” that blink arround and spam instas fpr over 1 mil hits

And people complain about shadow a no mobility hardcaster, shadow should have the highest damage if you leave him alone

to be fair, the meta is better when fire mage is meta instead of frost mage, fire mage is more squischy less annoying to play against because of no rng roots/ perma slow

in the other hand, frost mage is still better, the Frostfire bolt or what ever it is from the new hero tree does more Dmg than Chaosbolt from a Destro


While Fire is truely solid and viable now I wouldn’t base anything on Supatease opinion. He usually fish for views with his clickbait videos where everything is “op”. He shows everything in the best scenario like countless Affliction videos in DF where he played some useless talents on Mugambala and baited players into Affli before season 4 when it was truely strong.

He also plays in NA where you have different meta. Their RMPs, Elemental Shamans or Resto Druids are nowhere near top EU players. Thye have very good SP players and R Shamans. Also NA plays more meelecleaves so you will have different meta specs there.

Supatease isn’t also to good in predictions. Whenever you watch AWC he has the least amount of predicted results. If he says team A wins team B usually 3:0 them. So if he says something do the opposite and you are fine.

SP is insanely good as if you play Voidweaver properly you base your burst on instants. You can obviously cast but if there are 2 meeles on you then you don’t have to. Also Shadow isn’t as immobile as it used to be. It also depends who do you play with.

First time they’ve been good in about 2748282828 days and soneone rolls in like this class …sort it out. We’ve been waiting for godknows how long to be worth picking up in LFG

Legit one school class , kick them rotate kicks and stuns and profit. Getting 2.4 shuffle last season in shuffle as SP was harder than when i got gladiator title one time.

There are so many specs to hate on in the game for being good, and always good at that! SP has been waiting a long time to be even on par with other classes.

Let us have our 15 minutes of fame =D

I have arena logs from last game in 3v3.
Ret (me) + udk + healer
Shadow pri+frost mage + healer

Safe to say damage went like this when we lost.

  1. Shadow priest 110 mil
  2. Unh DK 78 mil
  3. Ret (me) 75 mil
  4. Mage idk something
    Healing went like this
    1.healer one around 150 mil
    2.healer two about 140
    3.Shadow priest 40 mil
  5. DK 17 mil
  6. Ret (me) 12 mil

They are insane, and it is not okay. To add they even sat in the middle, no running or kiting. Just a target dummy fighting back.

I don’t think Blizzard even know how to balance the game anymore. They either decrease or increase % by a certain amount, and see how that goes for the next few weeks then make further changes and so on.

They’re clueless.

Now tell us how much was on players and how much was on pets :+1:


Rogue and mage are playing in the next expansion and you want to nerf SP ?

whazz legit has on raiku’s friend notes “Dont let this guy play SP” :joy:

i can smell arms warrior and assa buffs inc , why? cause blizzard balancing team is
—> :hear_no_evil:

warrior needs to get its mobility toned down , it does not need nerfs cause its already been nerfed.

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It is fake damage done since Unholy and Shadow multi dots everything.

Nah, not aslong as he is a tank. Remove void leech and we could talk about it. But at the moment he has the same problem as warlock always has

Tanky , high damage and strong utility.

You can’t have all 3. caster who do high damage should never be tanky

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