Can someone help me choose my main for 10.3 ?
I play SP 3 years i like new rework SP but i also think about play balance druid.
Its question about m+,raid and rated bg.

Both are good in both roles.

I would play SP though. Never liked balance druid.

SP is really enjoyable. Theyve recently buffed our single damage so were right there happily in the pack but they nerfed our AOE and we often do half that of other dpsers in mythic + anyway. A lil boost back to aoe and you’d be proper golden but lifes not always perfect.

Id only play Drood if i wanted to tank/dps/heal all on the one toon, its 3 players in 1…otherwise NAH NAH NAH

Errrr… Shadows aoe is still one of the stronger in the game and on top of that you provide PI to the other DPS. It’s comparable to a lot of other dps specs.

The only exception is the second area of brackenhide where the pull sizes are too large because of the lasher spawns, everywhere else you should absolutely blast.

I’m currently playing SP and I really don’t know what to think about AOE, sometimes my aoe dmg is very high and sometimes 100k lower, for example, from a paladin retri. Maybe I’m doing something wrong…
ST is ok, but aoe, unfortunately, sometimes it goes on an equal footing with others and sometimes it stands out strongly…

that’s not a issue with the specc.

Tried both, and while i main sp so my view is a bit biased, in my honest opinion is that its not even close. Shadow is far superior in terms of fun and rotation. Like miles ahead.

Try level up balance as an alt. Leveling is fast af and you can get the feeling of the spec little by little with slowly getting talents and abilities.

Also the visual for balance gets very very unpleasant after a while…those lasers are cool…but if you have to watch that 24/7 it gets old realy quick. But thats just my opinion.

Go Druid. Shadow is currently getting gutted every 2 weeks, by the end of the season it will be worthless and a healer spec of the class will take it’s place in the groups. At least with druid you can have more options if one spec goes down.

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Druid, might be actually the only ranged meta spec now after sp and mage nerfs.

Hmm looks like it’s meta

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