Spark of ingenuity not dropping


I have a feeling that something is wrong with Sparks of ingenuity drops - yesterday after weekly reset I’ve completed the last quest for spark and got the achievement - I should now be able to loot next sparks from various sources.

Since then I have done all available world quests, 7x mythic+ above 15, heroic raid, 3 community events - feast, siege and hunt. I also killed 5 rares in the Obsidian Citadel - seems a lot activity in general right? But I didn’t get any spark!

Am I missing something?

I imagine they’ll have a similar drop rate to Dragonshards of Knowledge. Extremely rare.

I rather say, that Bottled Essences are more rare than Dragonshards of Knowledges, because after completing last spark quest, I have collected 2x Bottled Essences and got more than 10x Dragonshards during looting in dragon isles.

Magic-bound chest, Distrupted dirt and Expedition Scout’s Packs also can drop Bottled Essences, which way I have looted 2 of them this far.

You’ve looted two ‘sparks’ or ‘bottled essence’ through gathering, since completing the 5th part of the quest? Sounds lucky to me, gimme

Please explain to me how you have looted 10 Dragonshards?

I’ve not even had 10 since the expansion launched.

Looting about over 600 disturbed dirt/magic-bound chests/expedition scout’s packs in 3 days makes it possible.

Fair enough.

I used to do that back at the start of the expansion. But stopped when I hit renown level.

I think the most I ever got from that Method was 3.

IT does feel like they have increased the drop rate recently, but still never seem to get more than 1 a week.

the drop rate is all over the show
friend has had 2 drop, most people I know have had 0.
Seems off

farming daily houndreds of Expedition Packs, Dirts and Rares. Doing a lot of m+ and made all bosses in raid. 0 sparks. Ppl are getting already 3rd one. What is this design? @Blizzard

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18.02.23 not a single drop sofar despite playing like 5/7

I’ve have 3 drop so far.

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