Spark Of Shadow Flame Incorrect Craft

This has probably been posted more than enough here. But why does customer support refused to help me on retrieval of sparks/aspects when it comes to accidental craft of an item on a character that can not be used by said character. I was told there would be a unbalance within the game world? I would completely understand if this was to do with an item that was usable by a character but it is not. I have seen other posts on here stating that customer support was happy enough to return the spark if the said item was completely un-useable and the ticket was reported in due time, which I believe I have followed by reading other posts which customer support has responded to. If this is the be all and end all of this and I can not get a spark back. There should be some sort of leniency for a incorrect craft if you could not use the item at all, or stop characters which can not wear said items from crafting that type.

Yes I know there will be some people stating the obvious “It is your fault, deal with it”, but the case that support cherry picks who they want to help with retrieving a spark on a complete mistake is absurd to me.


I am honestly appalled that people are able to craft things they can’t even use. Crafting system has been more than complicated for an average player as is, not to mention that half of the crafted weapons have very similar sounding names and looks, it’s like you are asking players to hate the system that has so much potential to be one of the defining feature of modern WoW. I would understand that you want to prevent players from abusing the system and recrafting gear all the time, but in this case the item can’t even be used by the player?! Crafting system is great, but the way you are handling sparks is just terrible! If I wanted to play multiple specs of my class, well sucks to be me, 1 spark 1 craft… Just allow people to destroy crafted items and get their spark back, there are limited sparks to go around and this way you are just forcing people to stick to whatever “bis” crafted piece they saw was good for their class and suck it up. If you want another Torghast level of hate for a feature do nothing about this Blizzard, but if you want people to enjoy it change it before it rots further.

It is your fault, deal with it

The gentleman never said it wasn’t his fault for crafting it, it’s just bad game design to allow people to make such minor mistakes that will negatively impact their gameplay for months to come, and for what, wrongly choosing an item? An item that he has an option to be chosen yet none to be equipped? If you defend this kind of game design sir, you truly are the very opposite of what your name “Cratius” means.