So I was working towards the 200 sparks of life in Azure Span. Had about 182 when I logged out last night.
Logged in this morning, they’ve all gone and there’s a new quest for Sparks of Life in Thaldraxsus. Only 100 this time but I’m back to zero.
Was this a surprise to anyone else? I try and avoid the regular-chores type of content and was planning to collect these in my own time but I obviously should have read up more.
A new quest popping up every week is one thing, and if people hit the deadlines then of course they’ll progress faster, but kicking you back to zero seems like poor design.
Seems like there’s only two Thaldraxsus daily quests anyway, so you HAVE to log in five days out of the next seven, or else grind PVP kills which is fun and all but not very efficient at 1 spark per kill (especially when there’s no arena like in the Azure Span).
I thought compulsory chores was something they were trying minimize in this expac. Oh well.
You literally have all week to complete this quest. Do you know those explorer satchels you find everywhere on the map, they give 5 sparks each. You can fly around the map for 30 40 minutes and collect 20 satchels and be done. I mean is it too much effort for a conquest level piece?
You can easily just kill players in those zones ^^ its not that hard to farm actually, you may do it in 1-2h straight if there are enough players around (I helper my friend yesterday to get that weekly done, a lot of players were in the PvP Zone just because of that) =)