Spear of Bastion - Remove this trash ability

Can we pls remove spear of bastion and replace it with something that is reliable? Im sick of it randomly bugging out and not doing what its supposed to. Idc its dmg or anything beside its effect being trash, abused by every class, everyone gonna be happy when its gone. Fking remove this trash piss or fix it.


Try bleed build.

Its fine in PVE so id rather not.

lol why you’re so mad about it…

i play warr since beta and never had spear build, also having it few days as motto on my discord, warr can perform much better without spear, you can pick talents like Rallying Cry which helps you deffend yourself or go bleed build like other ppl said earlier

What is bugging for you?

I play Roar build in M+

Easier to dps while dodging $hits on the ground.

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No. Okay it’s not working properly sometimes, but I guess it’s just a lag issue. Mostly it’s fine.

Yeah i play bleed also, but I agree, spear should be removed or redesigned, it’s just clunky and punishes you with not seeing swirled aoe stuff on the floor, and you have to sit in it for max dps gain, which is a bad mechanic, to be robbed of your mobility as melee to do DMG.

I give literally 0 fks about PvE side of it, coz I’m mad about spear not being reliable in PvP, where it matters the most. It just randomly does not do whats its supposed to. Playing bleed build is not the fix to potentially good changes in talents. Either fix the spear so it always does what its supposed to, dont let people easly bug it out (I can bug it out 10/10 times with heroic leap or charge or intervene, others can do it with blink or just gate it without having to use any kind of skill) SO between it bugging out or ppl bugging it out you have very little benefit, you have to aim it and land it, and then hope ppl cant easly get out every time or hope it won’t bug itself…

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