Hello Forums!
I would like it if Gladiator stance could have a Titan’s Grip-esque feature, allowing for a 2handed weapon and a shield (namely, a spear. I really only care about the spear).
Again, I really don’t care about balance, or animations, or anything. I have just ALWAYS wanted to be able to use a spear + shield in WoW. I feel like Gladiator stance in SoD is the most obvious situation where this could happen.
I wish more than anything to feel like a hoplite.
Blizz please, make this dream come true this holiday season for an old man like me.
Yours kindly,
1 hand polearms / spears
would be an amazing addition
a main-hand 1handed spear would be amazing as a quest reward for warriors.
I reckon you could use the dagger animations for it
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Just levelling now 1h with glad stance and found very easy and nice to play, you do good damage and enough durable because you can use all abilities from protection (like shield block, bash, wall), would be nice if devs in some ways make this build more viable
Just remove the threat reduction for being in gladiator stance. Let’s be real, just about no one uses the stance(gladiator) to dps. Everyone ends up playing dual wield fury for parses and this rune ends up not being used.
If it had no threat reduction it would be awesome to take up to tank with. It might even encourage warriors to tank more as the class feels much better with this rune.
Edit: I was wrong in my assumptions about this rune not being used for dps, only played a warrior recently. Thought about deleting this post but who knows, maybe someone learns something from it like I did.
The rune was actually BiS for all DPS warriors for the last two phases.
Due to the way that the T1 4 set bonus worked, swapping stances meant you could use all abilities in Glad stance whether you were using a shield or not; and you still benefitted from the 50% extra rage on hit.
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I didn’t know that, thanks for point it out I didn’t look up how warriors played at 60, it makes sense. I only just recently, with the runes being handed away at lvl 1, leveled a warrior.
I enjoyed tanking in glad stance while leveling, a lot. At 58 though I lose aggro a lot and playing the classic defensive stance warrior tank feels so much worse.
My gear is partly to blame too most likely, tanking dungeons in glad stance as a 58 incursion set/random gear doesn’t hold up in threat to even poorly geared 60’s.
I might have to get my last two levels and farm coins and gear tanking in defensive stance, even though I don’t like it as much as glad stance. I hope it works better with gear later on.
Sadly doubt you can tank in glad stance which i agree is really nice feature if it was possible.
Dps wise is meh. Never seen anyone use it unless in pvp.
2h is a cool idea but i think it would break the game lol.
And yes def stance warriors struggles with agro compared to other classes, esp aoe threat.