Spec-independent bars

Is there a way or an add-on that enables spec-independent bars?

For example, if have bars with buttons for professions, engineering tools, toys and other (non-combat) macros that I sometimes update or rearrange. It would be nice not to have to do this for four or three specs.

There have been addons that can copy your bars from one spec to another but I’m not aware of any that will maintain that relationship after you’ve done the copy.

Funny that they added an feature not unlike this with shared bars for different spec loadouts.

You’ve got it backwards. Historically, you’ve only had 1 set of bars per spec, what they introduced was per-loadout bars but allowed you to opt-out of them.

Yes, you are right and it’s technically a “backward compatibility”. I would’ve been cool if the shared bar toggle existed back in classic (and since then).

Regarding bar addons: I’ve found out over the years that they handle switching specs rather poorly and I had to do a lot of /reloading (sometimes in combat, when that was possible) Also, I like the standard Blizzard bars and especially bars 1-4 which you can scroll through.

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