Specialization class icons for Death Knights

Now that seems that blizzards is getting in the right direction with some QoL and checking the community, i would like to request a change on spec icons for deathknights, they are basically the same but recolored, i dont know if it’s hard to improve but right now seems to be a little be awkward, what you guys think?


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Isn’t the emblem on the forehead of the skull different too ?

Yes and the skull has different detail on it, so the frost one has rime hanging from it, the blood one has slightly larger fangs, the unholy one has different detail in the eyes.

I mean yeah they’re obviously shared assets but they’re not quite a copy paste.

I think they should stop focusing on useless details or crap no one ever cared about and start making actual changing to the game faster instead of taking 2 months to put out some hotfixes so they can pay themselves on the back acting like they fixed the game.

I imagine the sweating and time spent in that office to change conduits energy.

I’m not sure, I personally like the fact they’re all the same but with different colours. I think when they’re all too different it makes your talent panel look a bit messy :man_shrugging:

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I also like the uniformity of the three spec icons. I think it would be a shame to lose that.

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Yes, uniformity is the word I was trying to think of in my first comment :rofl:

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What do you mean? Blue dk, red dk, and green dk! That’s how it always was! If they’re going to add aesthetic stuff for us dks I’d much rather they come in character customization, new zombies, animations etc. Have a read in some ideas I had a while ago if you’d like!

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