I’m looking for specs that do damage / healing more consistently, with procs and burst not being a large part of their output, at least relative to others. Tanks are fine too. This can be on SoD, Cata or Retail.
Well, Affliction Warlock is the king of DoT damage. It’s almost all DoTs.
Shadow Priest is also heavily DoT based.
There are other specs that use DoTs as an important part of their damage, though not so central
- Feral Druids are big on applying Bleeds
- Balance Druid does Sunfire and Moonfire DoTs. Guardian Druid has Moonfire now on Retail as well, but that’s more about quick pulling at range than actual damage.
- Assassination Rogue applies poisons and bleeds to targets
- Unholy Death Knight uses diseases and Festering Wounds. Blood DK also uses some DoTs
When it comes to healing, Resto Druid is almost all HoTs, and if you want a HoT spec, this is the one you will choose. Almost (?) all healers have some HoT capability, but only Resto focuses on it.
Thank you very much.
Sorry, I just realised I was only looking at your title.
In the body, you also ask about consistent damage, with limited procs and burst windows.
There are some other classes that fit that description, but don’t apply much in the way of DoTs. Like, say, Beast Mastery Hunter. Do you want to talk about those as well?
Now that I ask myself the question, and tick off the specs, there aren’t that many of them.
- Beast Mastery Hunter, for sure. Very steady rotation.
- Frost Mage does have procs of Fingers of Frost and Brain Freeze, but you have a few seconds to respond to them, and can manage them more easily than the critical Combust window of Fire or the very rapid (but delayed, dammit!
) window for Pyroblast.
On the Healing side, I’d say that Holy Priest and Resto Shaman have lots of steady, non-bursty tools to keep their healing output reliable.
Yes, I’d like to know specs that are most of all consistent and intuitive. I don’t want to be fishing for procs, or doing huge bursts.
Was Spriest turned into a burst-damage spec at one point? I remember stacking insanity and going into a burst mode, but I guess they turned it back into a DoT spec.
Yeah, I remember the crazy burst build of Spriest, the one where you could go outright thermonuclear, but would die once you lost your Insanity.
That phase didn’t last long. You do have a Power Infusion buff and an echo of the Insanity days with Voidform, but it’s back to being a pretty steady DPS. Totally crap for solo play, whether in the world or in Delves, tho.
I edited in a couple more into my post above while you were replying. BM, Frost, Holy, RSham.
I’ve come back the game multiple times and you were always here answering questions, so thanks again. I’m going with BM for DPS.
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