For better or worse, Arthas’ story has seen a retcon and it will probably have more to come.
Now I’m of the opinion that Arthas story ended with the ICC raid, and the frost DK legion artefact glimpses were just a sweet little bonus, that kept the haunting memory of Arthas’ legacy alive.
Enters shadowlands… probably don’t need to say much more here. I was watching Michael and Matt nerding out over at their clips and they spoke about some possibilities of how they might implement Arthas back in this story.
Just wondering what the community would see as an acceptable final chapter to Arthas’ story?
In the clip, they explore Arthas essentially becoming a Kyrian under Uther’s tutelage, giving him a redemption arc and a second chance at Uther to become the great teacher that he once was. This scenario makes me want to hit my head against a wall made from the bulwark of Azinoth…
Hope some of you got better ideas. Either way I doubt they’ll find a way to please everyone, but maybe there’s a path that’s more logical than the others?
Not going to leave you hanging, going to throw my probably awful idea in the nerd rage arena. We defeat the Jailer to some extend, his defeat upsets the stability of the maw with potentially catastrophic results. As Bolvar offers to stay behind just like he once did at top of Ice Crown another soul steps in… Arthas! In his years of torment in the Maw he had been studying the Jailer and his domination magic closely, he knows how to keep control. He once again becomes the jailer of the damned, Bolvar and the rest of us gtfo there, Jaina is sad, nobody gets closure. It’s sinister and foreboding. “It’s like poetry, it rhymes” geddit?
is Arthas forgiven? No. Has he become an anti hero? Who knows! Join us on patch 13.0 when we’re so creatively spent we got to bring Arthas back, AGAIN!
Either way that was my probably terrible input, what do you guys all think? What would make you rage unsub? Or to finish in a positive note, what would make you say “hey blizz, you managed it, I’m surprised!”