Speculation: WoW Classic has more players than retail in the EU and the US

why is everyone saying that topics relating to classic are not in the right place here?

Classic is a topic for BfA players, because it has killed a lot of servers. Until or unless blizzard address the problem (by merging servers to start with)… this will continue.

what addon is this?

CensusPlus for retail,and for classic CensusPlusClassic.Also do not run bouth addons in the same clients,they cause conflicts.

thank you, Blurey

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Ignoring the confirmation bias you are using, classic is out in a downtime period of bfa so i wouldnt be surprised if classic currently has more people.

I personally got to 47 then lost interest and have returned to bfa.

we will see if classic has more than retail as time progresses.

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some people were just getting into raiding… how is it down time? 2 months before the end of a season maybe, but 2 months into the season?

It’s down time for the casuals of which raiding isn’t there Endgame . I literally log in and run old raids mount collecting since I got my flying I’ve not been to mechagon in weeks.
I believe a lot of people are similar so I pop in and out of classic and retail to break up a work shift.
I will never go full classic I’m just waiting for 8.2.5 and Blizzcon then I may vanish out for a few months.

oh this wowhead post probably sums up the closest to numbers just posted to the site

https : // classic .wowhead.com /news=295075/classic-wow-realm-population-report-data-aggregated-through-community.

this is only classics numbers.

But what is a casual by your deffenition?I have 2 friends one is playing the game every day 4h,collects mounts and does those nazj,mechagone achivments but never did anything rank 2v2,doesnt play anything past +5,and doesnt raid(mythic or heroic)…but then i have friend that only plays 2v2 is 2450 rank and 15+ but only play 6h a week.

So out of those two who is casual and who is hardcore?do you define it by what difficulty he plays in or by the time he invests in the game?


those that don’t spend time in dungeons or 12 hours a day in game

so I’d say both those were casual once pvp season is closed your friend probably takes a break …

end of the day I class my self as casual.
I am a casual player I only play when I’m at work on a nightshift and once story is done I fade .

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haaha i loled,the 2450 rank and 15+ also plays at work durring nightshifts.

So basically Classic has around 4m created characters. If we assume average per player is maybe 3, thats around 1.3m players on Classic. Around 600k on EU and 700k on US. Not bad at all.

One thing I would like to add is that retail has way more servers and people are more spread out. Classic servers are packed though, it’s insane.

Did a few Census the past days on Outland in the middle of the night and it had like 16 horde on it. During prime time it seems there’s around 2k+ combined on both sides, thats actually not that bad. I remember levelling in TBC on medium servers and the world was always empty, maybe 1 or 2 other people in my zone if lucky. And we had many more players then.

The part that Classic servers are so packed I enjoy very much, it’s great seeing so many people walking around.

As soon as new patch comes out, many ppl be back.

As soon as 9.0 is out, classic gonna be “dead” for several months.

I don’t know about other , but to save names me and around 5 friends created highest amount characters on 2-3 server.

Does it matter if the have logged in ?

Yes. It counts only llvl 5 and above chars.

But created characters does not equal played characters. How many have already dropped off by L40 ? People are not going to delete those characters.

There are around 400k characters above lvl 40. Most are between 5 and 15. Only 31k are lvl 60.

That’s not good news

I do imagine roughly half (or closer to 2/3) of those make it to 60, and roughly half-ish of those reach to P2.