Need as in won’t do other bosses or just need to do the boss? You could’ve also said nothing and winged along with it tho.
Edit: Guess I remembered it different from the past days, in recent Catacylsm Classic you don’t do 3rd boss tactic huh -_-
The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.
If you do have an suggestion to improve or replace it with something else, you may also use the ingame suggestion box.
There’s this unwritten rule almost, that people skip bosses for valor points, and this make doing “unnecessary” bosses inconvinent. We did a full run, random LFG. Except in this spesific dungeon the norm is skip 3rd boss, nobody wants to do him. It’s not the only dungeon where this is normal.
Knowing this, I gave them a heads up I needed this boss, since it has decent loot for my class. They didn’t even bother to answer, just ran a votekick and now im out for 30mins of playing.
It’s pretty frustrating, and it should be like this. People shouldn’t get a 30min time out for targeting an inconvinent boss, which is part of the dungeon run anyway.
I agree, perhaps they should make it mandatory to kill all bosses to be eligible for full VP or spread VP over all bosses so you won’t be inconvienced in the future.
The skipping is not the issue, the votekick is.
If you have 12k VP to get on multiple chars, you do not wanna kill every single boss in HoO everytime.
Be realistic.
But as mentioned the votekick is the issue here.
I was in a Deadmines group, we got to Ripsnarl, killed. Had the Vanessa poison phase and ran to the boss, i as healer pulled boss so ppl who did not have the ach would get it.
Mage insulted Tank and i explained it was me who pulled and why i did it. Context: mage had no mana. But our dps was more than enough, Vanessa is not a challenging boss.
I figured i’m not offended, the insult was aimed at me, it’s 1 boss, lets just down it. They votekick him, i press no, but since you only need 3 votes which i think is a massive issue, he still got kicked.
4 people should be required to votekick, not less.
That’s sadly fairly normal. If killing the boss and trash to it takes 2 minutes, and getting a new player takes 30 seconds, they’ll pick the second option Everytime.
my advice to OP or any other person who needs non mandatory bosses, queue with a premade who also agrees to kill the boss. Or if it’s a VP/JP spot, just buy the item instead.
You should be able to get 12k VP now which can buy you every item from VP.