Spider Pets In SoD

Having spent a good 7 hours camping the spawn point earlier, I finally got Naraxis on my SoD hunter the moment it spawned. Good stuff!

However, spiders in classic are somewhat lacking compared to other types of pet in terms of what they can train. In later expansions they were better particularly when web was added, I found this great for MM spec where I overaggro all the time.

I think they could use some love in the coming phases, perhaps by giving them abilities they intrinsically have in the world like damage over time poison and a web to root things. This would make up for them not being able to train abilities other creatures can, particularly a primary damaging ability like cats and raptors have (Claw) and wind serpents which have lightning breath. I could list others but you get the idea, not having poison and web seems kinda daft.

They aren’t the only pets which want looking at I know, but I thought I’d mention it here since I sent it through the suggestion feature as well.

Any other ideas for pet tweaks?

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go back to retail, as if hunters arent strong enough already with their busted lvl 40 talent in beast mastery

Indeed, pets in general are lacking in classic. I was expecting SoD to change this but sadly it hasn’t been so yet. I’ve written feedback on the matter in the past in different posts such as this one, in case you were interested.

Ideally they’d find a way to balance Bite so that pets that only learn that as an offensive attack don’t focus cap. They could also implement something similar to the recently datamined abilities that were actually created a long time ago, or change Kill Command to an attack with a low CD that deals damage and provides effects based on family.

Voicing our concerns through different platforms is the only way to try and gather attention to the issue but as time passes, I become less hopeful that they’ll address pet variety and balance.

Pets are nowhere as dangerous as they were in P1. They die quickly in group PvP and are surprisingly squishy when focused. A deep BM hunter can do nothing but poke you with auto-shots and multi-shots in PvP, unless they go Chimera Shot but then the pet would be even weaker.

good, pets should not be an unstoppable buldozer that you can just send on someone and they lose a fight to him. They already are like that to casters, with the exception to self nerfing mages that go frost for iceblock or priests which have 2 survivability skills froms runes.

Pets should be killable theyre a pet, how else are people supposed to deal with them? Theyre enoying enough already with their super fast attack speed, and deadly with the 40 talent.

P1 hunter pets were a joke and OP and required no skill at alll. Other than that when specced BM they bring more than enough utility with their taunts, stun, etc.

Inb4, b-but i want to tame a dragon and clown on people

They’re “fine” against some classes in 1v1, which is not what the game is balanced on.

A pet will die faster than a player if focused, so if the hunter is BM spec’d, it’ll be as if they had no talents.

It’s not about stomping people, but the spec isn’t even that good during Bestial Wrath.

They should just give each pet an ability from the base NPC types we fight. For example, Crocolisks can have Tendon Rip which reduces movement speed by 70%. It’s already in the game’s files. It’s an ability they have an animation, sound effect and visual effect for. The coding is already there. Just literally give the pet crocolisks that ability and set its CD to something more appropriate.

Every single pet type’s enemy NPC’s have a a bunch of abilities, last time I looked this up for the sake of creating a thread about it the one with the least amount of abilities were Crabs with like 4. Some pet types’ enemy NPC variants have like a dozen abilities spread out amongst them.

Unfortunately I removed the file but there’s some crazy stuff.
Like Carrion birds have fire spells from the Tanaris variants.
Gorillas that basically tun into brawlers like Hitmonlee from pokemon.
Spiders with webbing and poisons.
I also remember bears with frost spells and stuff.

There’s a ton of already existing abilities in the games files. All they have to do is let those abiltiies transfer over from the enemy variants to the pet variants.

It’s not like I disagree, but don’t you think there some other hunter issues that need catering to first?
Like, for example, hunters dealing less damage than tanks?

Start paying my subscription fee, then you can start telling me what to do.

Dick head.

Exactly! That’s what I’m getting at, pets not having the basic intrinsic abilities of the things they are tamed from is just silly.

It’s not like I disagree, but don’t you think there some other hunter issues that need catering to first?
Like, for example, hunters dealing less damage than tanks?

Go raise that issue with them then, that’s your quest for the week.

Cheers, I’m having a look there now.