Spider Pets In SoD

Indeed, pets in general are lacking in classic. I was expecting SoD to change this but sadly it hasn’t been so yet. I’ve written feedback on the matter in the past in different posts such as this one, in case you were interested.

Ideally they’d find a way to balance Bite so that pets that only learn that as an offensive attack don’t focus cap. They could also implement something similar to the recently datamined abilities that were actually created a long time ago, or change Kill Command to an attack with a low CD that deals damage and provides effects based on family.

Voicing our concerns through different platforms is the only way to try and gather attention to the issue but as time passes, I become less hopeful that they’ll address pet variety and balance.

Pets are nowhere as dangerous as they were in P1. They die quickly in group PvP and are surprisingly squishy when focused. A deep BM hunter can do nothing but poke you with auto-shots and multi-shots in PvP, unless they go Chimera Shot but then the pet would be even weaker.