Kathe, Undead priest.
2006 (Actually mid-late 2006 as I wasn’t able to play earlier) : Necromicon, Hated.
After 2006 : Bantu, Ascension, and other guilds.
Character names of other players :
Grasswalker, male Tauren druid. Guildmaster of Necromicon.
Theador, female Orc warrior.
Nercom, male Undead mage.
Revolutionary/Evolutionary, male Undead warlock.
Polymorph, Tauren druid, although he made another character and played with that one more because polymorph wasn’t on his account. He bought an account for himself.
Bahaa, male Troll mage.
I haven’t hit 60 before BC but I was in a couple or maybe even 3 guilds if I remember, but my original guild that I was in for most of my time, which was late 2006, is Necromicon. The name could have been Necronomicon, but I think that that one was another guild.
There was a Romanian who played an Undead warrior in the guild Hated who stayed at 59 for over a month, he gave me 1 gold when I saw him for first time when I was inspecting him in Brill as a level 16 or 13 and later on I got in his guild and we played together for a while even though we used to be about 30 levels apart. I’m a big hairy dude actually.
Playing with players of much higher levels and players of much lower levels was very common in the guilds I was in. In Necromicon we weren’t a raiding guild, at least we weren’t as far as I was aware of. I was very low-level and new to World of Warcraft. I guess every guild was a leveling, social, and raiding guild altogether. So we used to go dungeons, go fishing, zerg Hillsbrad and Arathi Highlands, or group for Warsong Gulch. Most people in the guild who were active were my level most of the time. It might have been a “leveling guild”.
There was an Undead rogue who I saw randomly very often and grouped with a few times so we ended up being friends. We raided Naxxramas at level 65 because we (or at least I) weren’t able to raid it before The Burning Crusade. His name was Diamondback. We’re still friends and I bet he’ll remember me if we ever catch each other online, which is like once every three expansions now.
I’m sure I have a LOT of screenshots from back then. They’re in my old computer in another continent, to be specific in Syria, and probably the hard drive is stuck and needs fixing.
There was an Undead warrior I played with a LOT and I just can’t remember the name of. He was in Necromicon too … wait … WUT! I JUST REMEMBERED HIS NAME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIKE 10 YEARS… I had this draft for this comment written a few weeks ago, and I think that it was being processed in my subconscious! Now I thought of using that method of assuming I know the first letter of something/someone’s name and going through all 26 letters, and I was lucky that his name began with an A
His name was Amistad/Amisted. We played so so much…
I’m thinking now how aren’t they on my friends list, and I remembered that when I was hacked, like almost everyone else, the hacker deleted all my friends from friends list.
I looked up “Grasswalker” and the site offered “View all 13 results” but when clicking that it takes me to a page where there’s still only 6 results, which are characters. I guess the site doesn’t show you inactive stuff like it used to anymore.
I wish I was as comfortable as to have made this post earlier.
But I guess I’m here to also say HAPPY VANILLA EVE TO YOU!
I just translated Amistad … wow just wow…
WTB a time machine.