One of my alts is a Bm hunter, and I have seen that a spirit beast for m+ is good cause they can help with purge + heals.
I currently dont have one, and I dont know where I can get one either. I read something about these pets earlier this week, and it said they were all rare pets, and the respawning time could be as long as 12 hours. It was also explained where I could find these pets, and some of them was very hard to spot.
Is there any spirit beasts out there, that isent rare, that is easier to get? Where can I found them?
Also, if you’re 120 and had the beastmastery artifact gun in Legion, you can pick up the quest to get Hati. Once you finish, you get a guaranteed spirit beast in the form of Hati.
Spirit beasts are fairly easy to get depending on which one you want to get. Hati is guaranteed once you do the quest and Mana sabers are pretty common in Suramar as stated by others.
The rarer ones are a little difficult to get. I spent a good few days trying to get Loque’nahak but I got him in the end.
For me as horde easiest to get was spirit raptor which can be obtained in orgrimmar, go to canals near west gate, there is warlock trainer i believe and pile of eggs, when you click on one you will summon spirit raptor.
Get add-on npc tracker(something called similar) to hunt sprit beast. You will thank me later.
Choose which sprit beast you wanna tame first.
Go-to petopia or wowhead for sprit beast location.
Google server hoping for fast taming. (If blizzard didn’t hot fixed yet they you are lucky)
Don’t try to tam 12 hours straight. Just randomly log in/off with your Hunter in that spawn area.
I think the Pandaria Spirit Porcupines are also fairly easy to get. They don’t seem too popular because of their base skins so not many are looking to get them.
The porcupines are tricky because you need to lower their health before being able to tame and many Hunters are max lvl when attempting it so one-shots are common place.
I am re-taming a lot of pets now that Hunters get to keep rare mobs’ names like Loque’nahak, Rak’shiri and Deth’tilac (with apostrophes and all) and King Krush (ones with spaces in their names). Loque is still a SoB to get.
Takes around 30 seconds, goto suramar top part by river click on any of the mana sabers there. Always there loads of em, best one to have as it has spririt mend, shock and the shield. Also looks nice.