Spit emotion!

Since we live in a world os “mimimi’s” and most probably where happy when the /spit emotion was kind of disabled, I find that it’s my turn to be “mimimi” as well.
So, when I was leveling a Death Knight, I found myself being spat on by the NPCs, part of the questing in Orgrimmar.
So if it offends the poor little mermaids playing the game, why shouldn’t we be offended as well when we cannot use such emotion on another player anymore, but the NPCs can use it on us? Let’s all be “mimimi” and say: If that applies to us, let it be applied to all!

Blizzard: Either let us use the /spit emotion in whoever we please again, or REMOVE that emotion AT ALL!
Don’t be patronising and hipocrit, in search of pleasing the mimimi’s…

Thank you, and I hope you chose the first option. Let the mimimi’s cry. Once a mimimi, always a mimimi. They will find another thing to complain and cry about, anyway.

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/spit was removed to protect those who bought phase hunter mount back when TBCC launched, back when community still cared about nochanges and classic turning into cashgrab.
Community tried to make a statement by /spit on anyone who bought that mount. In return Blizz /spit back to the community by removing emote, because that behaviour would discourage potential buyers.

Sadly community gave up and i don’t blame them. It’s very steep uphill battle plus blizz throws rocks from above.

Now we even got to wow token in classic. That was unimaginable when classic launched.


It always has been one step forward and two steps back.

To be fair, 16 years ago when I first played WoW, my reaction was “Why is this emote even in the game ?”. Because, surely, we can pretend we were hard-skinned back then, but it was still against TOS to turn the emote into its equivalent chat and say something like “Now I spit on you, on your pet, on your friends, on your dead body (when you die in-game obviously). And I will do it tenfold because I can spam it”.

And I used it only to troll people, indirectly with “/e spits on you” because when life gives you lemon, you make lemonade. I fail to see how it was good for the community in general.

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