Split priest utility by spec - PI to Holy, Pain Suppression to Disc and Vampiric Embrace to Shadow

Split priest utility by spec - PI to Holy, Pain Suppression to Disc and Vampiric Embrace to Shadow, that would make priest easier to balance, PI is really powerful buff that is exclusive to all priest specs and added to other priest utility makes it harder to balance, giving PI to single spec would also allow other aspects of of other specs to be made stronger without making them too strong.

lol, what?

I don’t even have words.

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Honestly, if we are removing PI from any spec, let Holy give it up for some actual freaking utility. Baseline utility, like improved dispelling, or better movement, or literally anything that sets it apart other than GS and SoR.

Other priest kit could be improved then, maybe reduced cd on mass or smth, i think PI of all these abilities feels more suited for holy

PI seems to be one of the main reasons that priests are being held back in other areas, so I’d happily get rid of it for something that is more consistently useful.


Yeah I will gladly give away PI, just fix our god damn class

I’ll gladly give up PI as holy in return for some actual usable aoe healing in dungeon content.

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