Those are not their words. Those are the summarized words of MMO-Champion’s news page, based on a written article by AusGamers where they interviewed Ion Hazzikostas.
So if we’re going to quote Blizzard and Ion Hazzikostas specifically, we should at least extend the courtesy to quote directly and from the source. So I will do that since you did not:
“We had the sense that players would be contending with Sylvanas for a while now, that they would be delving into and learning more about the nature of the Maw, and the Jailer’s power in this first major content update,” Ion says. “But, the specific details of the twists and turns the story is going to take, who the bosses in the Raid are, even some of the major narrative moments that we’re going to see play out in the coming weeks are things that came together at the end of last year, and the beginning of this year.”
“Some of it is seeing how the stories resonated with the community, with our players, as they were delving into it,” Ion adds. “One of the great things about working on a live game like this and this iterative content cycle is that we can see what players are excited about, they’re confused about, want to learn more about, what preconceptions or ideas they have about the way things are going, and pivot to make sure that what we’re doing is going to hit the mark.”
World of Warcraft - Our Big Interview with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas -
And what Ion actually says is very different from whatever mess of a bullet point summary that MMO-Champion tried to present.
Don’t use MMO-Champion as your source information. Use the actual source.