[Spoiler Alert] Dalaran in TWW

I agree, if Khadgar at least wounded her, it would’ve felt much more satsfying, he ia a guardian afterall!

And imagine if they spent all the budget from launch cinematic to showcase a real battle between Khadgar and Xalatath (e.g. like Gendalf gainst Saruman or Potter against Volandemort). Could’ve been an epic scene.

Well… not really, considering he never got the powers that were supposed to come with that title. Except for having access to Kharazan’s library, and one or 2 years of schooling from Medivh, Khadgar is pretty much a “normal” mage and a self-made archmage.

He may not have the exact same powers Medivh had, it doesn’t mean he is not a guardian. Medivh recognized him as his successor, that’s the fact.

Sure, but if there is no power behind it, it is just a title. And titles don’t usually make a lot of difference in a contest of power.

Unsupported titles don’t make a difference, that’s for sure, but Khadgar has some background to it:

  1. he was the only one who had full access to Medivh’s library except for Medivh himself.
  2. he had access to all of Dalaran’s library throughout many years.
    3 He wielded Atiesh, which should’ve contained at least portion of original guardian power, I think. Otherwise Kel’Thuzad would never be interested in acquiring Atiesh, if it were a worthless stick.

I am not the biggest fan of Khadgar so I don’t know of all of his achievements, but I do remember that he was responsible for killing crazed Medivh (not alone ofc but still), for shutting down portals on Draenor to protect Azeroth. Also in Legion there is a moment wheee Khadgar confronts Gul’dan one on one, and their fight ended in a draw, which should be a compliment to Khadgar considered how powerful Gul’dan was.

My point is, Khadgar may not have as powerful as Medivh, but his magic power was still quite impressive to be worthy called guardian! And he did deserve a better fight against Xalatath.

Lore aside, I think the reason why their battle was so short and rather simplistic was because budget / time constrains on Blizzard’s part.

And my point is that being called the guardian does none of the work here, and is thus irrelevant. Yes, any of the 6 of Dalaran will be a powerful archmage, with lots of knowledge and powerful magical artifacts. That’s how they got there. But while guardians like Aegwynn and Medivh were levels beyond that, through the guardian ritual, Khadgar isn’t. I’m fine with the point that it didn’t feel very meaningful, when he was just curbstomped by Sylvanas 2, but that’s not really because he should have been much more powerful, and more because it just wasn’t satsfying to lose a character that way. If they switched out Khadgar with Jaina, or heck, Ansirem, Modera or Karlain, I’d still expect to see something worth the cinematic, instead of what we got.

Khadgar was much more powerful than any of other archmages of the council, you bringing Khadgar in the same line with them is fallacious.

As I had already stated, Khadgar was the only one to be Medivh’s apprentice and having full knowledge of Karazhan library, he wielded Atiesh and he faced and defeated Medvih himself. He is quite above of your average archmage power level.

The 6 of Dalaran aren’t average, though, not even for Archmages. They are the best of the greatest collection of mages we knew about. There is a reason why the blue dragon aspect wasn’t out of place among them.

The Guardians of Azeroth on the other hand could stand up to fully powered avatars of Sargeras and old gods. That’s not Khadgar’s league. Which is pretty much why they were written out, they were too powerful to connveniently fit the plot.

He was Medivh’s apprentice for one year. Going by the novel about it, Medivh wasn’t much of a teacher, either. Why would he be, his power came mostly from the guardian ritual that affected him from his birth.

Young Khadgar became Medivh’s apprentice, because he was impressive, he wasn’t impressive, because he became his apprentice.

So what? What is in Kharazan that can be found nowhere else? I don’t really remember Khadgar ever doing anything that was out of the league of other Archmages. I guess destroying the dark portal is pretty neat, but not really above and beyond what we saw characters like Jaina do.

Certainly a magical artifact of some power. Why would that be unique among archmages? I mean, Jaina wields Antonidas’ staff, charged with the power of the defeated Thunder King. We are talking about the top mages here. Gathering power is part of their job,

Actually, he distracted Medivh long enough for Lothar to stab him, if I remember right. Mostly by getting the life force sucked out of him without any power to fight back in the least. I’m not sure what that would prove.

  1. Excerpt from wowpedia: “The Six are usually the most senior, but not necessarily the most gifted. They are chosen by several means, magic but one of them.”
    Neither I ever saw evidence that archmages of council of six are selected based on their individual power. If you have found a solid evidence, that says othewise, please share a link with us, I will be happy to be enlightened. Otherwise it’s wishful thinking.

  2. Not sure about the time, but yeah prolly you’re right, around one year. And Medivh wasn’t the best teacher, true, largely because being possessed by Dark Titan doesn’t make your mind very bright. Still, Medivh genuinely liked Khadgar and he tought him how to ride a Gryphon just by touching his hand, which took several seconds. Imagine how much he must’ve tought him during that year?

  3. Excerpt from wowpedia: “Atiesh was born from the “seed of hate” and grants its wielder “power unending”.”
    In game Atiesh is a legendary staff and one of the most difficult items to acquire in the entire wow history, while Archus is just an epic staff that drops from Lich King.
    So yes, Atiesh is unique and very powerful.

  4. Nope, my friend, Khadgar stabs Medivh himself and Medivh in return drains the life out of him, making him appear old forever after.

Khadgar is not on the list of my most favorite characters, but denying his great power is simply a sign of being ignorant on Warcraft’s Lore.

And in my personal opinion his greater power comes not so much from his magical knowledge or artifact, but from his wit, courage and determination. He reminds me of Arthas, except for not being susceptable to dark powers.

I… don’t care enough to keep on, so… Agree to disagree on everything mentioned and not yet mentioned, now and forever in all eternity! :wink:

KHadagar dying was unexpected but it raises the stackes toa high level. I pray all the blodo elves are safe from being killed since I can’t bare any other major Horde deaths.

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