[Spoiler Alert] Dalaran in TWW

Why Khadgar couldn’t teleport both of them away? :smiley: Is this one was explained somewhere?

tbh I am sad myself that khadgar died like that, as he was my favorite npc, but you could always come up with the classics:
-He is getting too old as it is
-Used too much mana with his initial attack (they animated him panting/having sweat droplets) after the initial beam.
-Teleporting to unknown locations lorewise is quite hard, and some places like underground are even impossible to teleport perfectly (even for casters like aspect of magic)
-He just ate 12 void bolts to the chest.
-Teleporting more people MIGHT take more time/cast and he might have wanted to save Alleria at least.

Still, would have prefered for him to survive, or at least wound knife lady.

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especially with him not have knowing where to place himself

So basically no explanation whatsoever.

  • age is not a great excuse.
  • if i remember correctly he put a portal under Alleria. Alleria couldnt just piggyback khadgar so they can be ported together?
  • if its so hard why he made the risk with Alleria?:smiley:
  • okay he is wounded but couldnt alleria piggyback him so they can be ported together?

The way I see it this was not how you write off a character. This is not a good “sacrifice” scenario. IMO it would made more sense if he had to channel some shield untill we f off from the scene.

Because your ESG score is lower for every straight white male character, not even sarcasm it’s an actual fact. This expac is going to earn blizz an absolutely massive jump in their ESG rating, meaning more money from the fund. Basically they don’t care because they know the die hards will by the expac regardless of how crap the story is, and they can also use it to get additional funding functionally for free.


Im okay with his fate. How he died bothers me. Made no sense. I thought Big M is in the house once again and the narrative/story telling going to improve but so far I dont see any difference.

Sure, but my point was they don’t care, they just needed to yeet the white dude and the easiest way is, destroy dalaran, it also give the trope start for alot of fantasy, home town is destroyed off to save the world. The entire expac is basically minimal effect for maximum profit, it’s like 80% rehashed assets, phoned in story lines. Everything they are doing is just to grab as much money as possible.


why isn’t age an excuse he is a human, there are various cases of age effecting one’s capabilities in wow?

it did look like a portal, tbh, maybe he did not have enough energy to hold it open who knows, he was practically shivering while casting
no portal=100% fatality rate, portal=slight chance of survival, obvious choice xP
alleria herself was reeling on the ground after the whole mind probe thing, after effects of spells and their impact, specially in mental cases are easier to portray in text base/books, then short cutscenes

He is not human like us. Their ancestors are not apes but titan constructs. And maybe he has grey hair and canonicly he aged rapidly for some reason i dont remember anyomore, ingame he still portrayed as a jacked Chad who can survive anything. So age is a lazy excuse.

all ALL humans are checked on wow by models, in game models do not respond to lore always, in earlier games khadgar wasn’t jacked, did eh suddenly pick up a barbell?

As for apes bit, humans DO get frail by age in wow too even elves do. Malfi and tyrande comment on such.

I dont know :smiley: but this is how he is portrayed. If they want me to believe he is died because he was too old for this sh*t then make his model reflect that. No, what happened here is pretty much what Dayul said. They wanted to write him off and didnt cared how.

check his oc models, it was the case, though, blizz had this odd kink towards all human males being chinselled greek gods x)

and tbh ever since legion game/audio books they have been hintign at him getting more and more well downhill. I still don’t like how he went off mind you, a self explode to wound xalathad or something along those lines would have been better.

Yea he was really thin back then. I always thought he bulked up to prep againts the iron horde. Maybe he added some additional magic to his protein shake or something.

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Gave me a good chuckle xD

The big bad’s plot armor rating was too high.

Medivh, cursed him, it’s a long story, he look old but he’s actually only like 40 something.

More like 60. He was Medivh’s apprentice and a young adult before Medivh opened the dark portal, and that was 40-42 years ago in the official timeline. But yes, if The Last Guardian is still canon in that point, Medivh drained the life force out of Khadgar artificially aging him before his time back then. Which is why he had the old man model in TBC.

Fair, I honestly couldn’t remember the exact age. Although I didn’t think it was that high, I thought he was about the same age as Turalyon. I was pretty sure Turalyon’s only actually like 40-50 or somewhere on that mark.

Turalyon is even more weird. He is over 1000 years old now, because of time dilation nonsense in the nether and lightforging-immortality.

And no, I looked it up. Khadgar was 17 when the portal was opened, so 40-42 years later he is in his late 50s.

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Fair one, I stand corrected then.