Spoiler. Elune’s role/identity/power level revealed

“My headcanon interpretation says Elune is the best so I’m going to make a rant because she isn’t an omnipotent being as I imagined”

The Winter Queen supposedly changed Ardenweald. And there was a mention that Maldraxxus was conquered by the Primus. So it is possible that they are not of that origin.

But the info so far is that they are the pantheon of Death, in the plane of Death, and all the pantheons are described as the next layer after the First Ones.

Well, if the rpg lore created by Metzen is “my head canon” - so be it. It was officially “retired” regardless.

Reading is hard sometimes, I know.

gl hf


XD…but so true…

My thoughts too, if she is sister of Winter’s queen doesn’t mean she is on her power lvl. Like for e.g. Greek god Zeus was most powerful and he had brothers and sisters, all weere weaker then him.

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We don’t even have to go towards other mythologies or iRL-comparisons. Sylvanas and Alleria are Vereesa’s sisters, aren’t they? Their power levels diverged quite a bit. Malfurion’s power isn’t exactly similar to Illidan’s. Muradin is the brother of the Speaker of Azeroth. Calia was nothing more than a wife and mother when her brother was Lich King. Derek and Tandred are brothers to the allmighty Lady Jaina.

Not only can one sibling be born with an aptitude for power that the other can’t match, power can also be gained and lost in WoW. In a ton of different ways. Even if the Winter Queen and Elune started at the same power level, which isn’t a given at all, that still wouldn’t have to keep Elune from rising above her to super-god status.


So well said.

It’s not hard to imagine that the modern WoW isn’t cannon. The writers have changed during the past few years for sure, and I’m quite certain the whole “Elune is Winter Queen’s sister” crap isn’t something writers thought about when the original WoW first appeared.

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Elune is the sister of a titan keeper tier character…
Yes I know canonically they’re supposed to be titan tier but lets be real; are they presented as being titan tier?
Would posessed anduin gotten a stab like that off on Aman’thul or any of the other titans?
I personally don’t think so.
If they really are titan tier Blizzard has done a terrible job at portraying them as such

There will be a new book about Shadowlands. Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond.
There are some spoilers already appeared. In one such peace, one broker(the main hero of the book) thinks that there must be some Pantheon of Life, just like Pantheon of Death. And this Pantheon of Life is a place where Winters Queen sister is living.

Now, when we know from 9.1. spoilers that’s Elune is Winters Queen sister, we can tell who is Elune really:

Elune - one of the members of the Pantheon of Life. That is it…

Source for this?

Only on rus language.

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well if the winter queen and elune are sisters, then who is their Mother, I doubt they where just created out of dust.
looking at the wow cosmology char, Elune and the winter queen is more or less not even at titan level at all, they are weaker, but have their own kind of power, or atleast the winterqueen is not at titan level, assuming the further out you go on the map, the strongest beeing are, void lords, and the naru, though that is most likely not true.

though now if winterqueen is in shadowlands, where is elune, if they are polar opposits, Elune should be in emerald dream, assuming she is even alive that is. But I think she is actualy a wild god, one we never seen before and if we have, never realiced it was her

If true, and this is just some fun speculation, Aessina could be a likely candidate. The mother Wisp that that happens to look like dead night elves.

But I doubt it, because Aessina seems tied to Azeroth/the Dream and Elune is worshiped across the cosmos. It’d be a reach (but I’d like to see them explore Aessina some more).

this is true, I had a theory once that Elune is not one entity but several, what actualy could indicate why she is the winterqueens sister, considering the winterqueen only says sister, doesnt meen there aint several, could easily be that the name Elune is not her true name even, but a name used buy the worshippers, and elune just continued to use it.

kind of same us on earth we talk about god, in all religions in some way or the other, even if not always named as god, heck the hindu got like 800 gods or so.

this is why I think elune is not one person but several, one could be a naru, some titans etc…

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Interesting theory, but I don’t think the writers are subtle enough for that, sadly.

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At least they not lost 12K years of history with a fel swoop
Remember the Draenei used to flee Argus 25K years ago? BOOM one stupid line hidden in a little quest and, oh, it was just 13K years, sorry…


was never really thing, they used to become whisps, not chilling with Elune among the stars
By the way, Elune in the old Lore basically r*ped Malorne, whos antlers tangled in the blanket of the night sky… it wasn’t some divine love

Immagine the Humans, they worshiped angels and all, and it turned out, yeeeeeah… those divine being are actually the Naaru, advanced Alien windchimes from across the Great Dark Beyond
Elune at least remained the same… a very passive “goddes” who did basically nothing for them… ever. Name one time Elune helped the Kaldorei in any way in the old Lore (the new Night Warrior thing is the closest thing when she lifted a finger for them)!

I’m honestly surprised I had to scroll so far on this forum post before someone suggested this. To speculate on this further, I’m just going to throw the following out there.

Quotes from Xal’atath while in the Tomb of Sargeras just after defeating the Sisters of the Moon encounter,

“A remnant of power lingers in this broken temple. It must be ours! Come, enter the circle and take it. (Sisters of the Moon defeated, note that this triggers a fatal interaction)
My mistake. It seems the upstart “goddess” still holds sway here. Oh well… (fatal interaction when attempting to absorb Elune’s power)

Now a quick Google search for the definition of the word “upstart” returns the following entry,

“a person who has risen suddenly in rank or importance, especially one who behaves arrogantly.”

The way I would read into this is that Elune herself wasn’t always as powerful as she is currently presented to be. Though it’s more or less confirmed she is the Winter Queens sibling, it in no way limits her progression since their conception by direct comparison. Even if they were more or less on par with each other from the outset.

What’s more telling is that it appears Xal’atath may have been present in some capacity if & when she ascended in power as a deity …or to become one since she derides her in a mocking tone.

With that said, it’s still very hard to predict what Elune is until that final veil of mystery surrounding her is unveiled.
We already know she has influence and followers across multiple races and worlds. For a entity to have such an expansive reach, it is still indicative of a characteristic associated to the concept of a true deity, or something close like a Titan. We might be looking at WoW’s equivalent of a Sigmar, God Emperor or Talos like deity, or potentially even more than that still. A being that has transcended their position unto a state of godhood and divinity.

The bottom line is that even if the Winter Queen identifies Elune as her sister it doesn’t limit Elune herself or throw out the old lore of how Night Elves understand her to date. It just adds to it. Likely, what might amount to more humble origins.

I personally would withhold judgment until we see a bit more of how she is further presented in game along with the story of how she came to be, her mission and purpose too if explained.


I can remember those moments when Elune helped:

  1. In Cata Shandris Feathermoon was killed. Elune helped to return her back to life. Shandris is Night Elves army general, and people loves her. After that Shandris was fighting in many wars, and did a lot of good things.
  2. In the War of the Ancients, there was a moment when Elune gave divine shield which made Tyrande almost immortal in the battle.
  3. During the War of the Thorns, Elune helped Tyrande to find Malfurion. Also she helped to heal his wound. And Malfurion is Shan’do for Night Elves, first druid of Azeoroth.
  4. In MoP, when Night Elves wanted to have immortality back, Elune have send a vision of the Pandaria island, where was this lake that can return dead persons back to life. Because of that Night Elves were actually the first who found Pandaria.
  5. During the Burning of the Telldrassil, Elune gave a dream to all people. So they die without a pain. Its still a mystery why she did not save them, but at least she gave something.
  6. In the Satyrs war, Elune gave Scythe of Elune, an artifact to defeat Satyrs.
  7. Basically every single Priestess of the Elune has powers to heal, and to fight, and all those powers they take from the Elune, for more than 10+k years.
  8. There are also moments, where single not important individuals received a help. Like Delaryn when she was dying, Elune have send a soul of her boyfriend, to ease her pain. Or, in Ashenvale there was that story when Satyr received Elune blessing, and transformed to Night Elf.

Elune also helped everyone in Legion, by giving her tear. And now she will help in Ardenwield. Also if Ysera is her pet, Cenarios is her son, and Malorne is her husband, and Night Elves are their friends, than it seams that everyone who related to Elunes family are world and Nature guardians.

So, Elune gave pretty much. For what? Just for asking her? How many titans for example gave some powers just for asking? Naaru and the Light also help only those, who fully worship the Light.
We do not know how strong is Elune. But even knowing that she just a member of the pantheon of the Life, she is the only such half god that actually helps mortals all the time on Azeroth.

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Finally appeared on English:

Grimoire book amazon previews - more spoilers - Lore / Story Forum - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

While I must admit, she indeed helped mostly favored individual, these are not the testament of a god worthy of worship
Shandris’s rsssurection is nice and all, but Anduin did the same with his father, without Elune’s help
Tyrande got a shield… thats okay, but considering the tons of warding in Warcraft, I’m not sure this even worth a mention
Malfurion got a Hunter’s mark… neat
That pandaria part is interesting tho’… back to point one, even a lake could do what their goddess? And when you ask for immortality, you posessed, gaining a vision about how to resurrect the dead - wich was and is a big no-no in Kaldorei culture - is… starnge?
That burning… you will not suffer during your detah, burning alive is horrible, thats a nice boon; but then the Maw and eternal suffering? Harsh…
The Scythe of Elune caused more trouble than it worth, especially when we take account, Elune could cleanse a satyr and turn it back to a kaldorei? You know what would have been a help? A divine intervention and cleanse all off them, ending the Satyr plague (since they could afflict others, like the Worgen and turn any creature to a Satyr. … like the Worgen. The Worgen are Elune’s satyr basically)
Every not the priestess of elune has powers to heal and fight… the Loa hand out similar if not better powers, the light, even a medicore alchemist with potions…

That tear was in a temple, remember, she not even protected it from Xavius…

But okay, what you listed, while not the best examples of real helping, personal favoritsim at most… are all valid and I bow before your reasoning, and admit, yes, Elune indeed helped
Tho’ most of the time, the Kaldorei while gain something, not really recived anything
Team Azshara was right :snake:

To be fair, the only thing that changed was a number. There was less than zero lore about what they did from the moment they fled Argus to when they crashed Draenor except that they were fleeing.

Night elves used to believe this though, and one does not exclude the other.

Disagree though. There are different versions of one story, neither of which have to be true either.

She also petrified Saurfang as he was about to kill Malfurion.

This happens in Azsuna too!

No, night elves created the scythe from the Staff of Elune and a fang from Goldrinn, if memory serves.

Don’t forget she did cleanse the Tear from the Nightmare corruption.

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Told you:

Elune isn’t “tied” to the Shadowlands.