[Spoiler] Where is the Horde in TWW?

Simple question - there have been repeat complaints on the story & characters being Alliance centric since Legion. Whether you agree or not…

… TWW fumbled it absolutely. Thrall, Aethas and Gazlowe both appear in the first quest, but proceed to “disappear” with only Thrall given any reason to.

As a Horde character, you quest through the four zones with very little investment. You watch dwarves reunite, you launch a rescue of Anduin, you follow around the (arguably horribly written) wife of the Alliance regent.

Could this be a form of request to Blizzard, to include at least a single Horde character? I would have loved to see Gazlowe & Aethas figure out the Skardyn. Would have loved to follow Lor’themar through Hallowfall. Would have loved to see Thalyssra wonder about a Nerubian city the size of Suramar.

The Horde “arrives” in the campaign. But this made me worried about Midnight; I’ve a fear it’ll completely sideline the characters /living/ in Quel’thalas right not and we might just end up with another Windrunner sister and their absolute boring self-hate story as a “here, have this Horde” offering.

Gazlowe will make an apperance later, but yes, horde is sadly absent :frowning:

The only reason for horde in modern wow is to make some dumb decisions so alliance can come and save them. In the meantime all races change into colored humans. Honor, friendship, overcoming your own weaknesses and fitting a prosthetic to a fantasy game character.
World of WARcraft is gone and we have to accept it. I saw the other day a cool comparison - we had a picture from modern wow of an orc with camera in Stormwind making photos as a tourist. Next to it there was a graphic from W2 times with troll cutting a head of dead human soldier.
That’s the new reality bro - horde is now a red alliance.


if the Horde isn’t a villain the alliance can defeat then they don’t matter. That is the sad way of the story right now since Blizzard sucks.

Sadly he is right. Blizzard hates Horde thats why they killed so many Known NPCs of us. We werent even allowed to kill gnome leader or jaina in Dazar’alor. Because Alliance Plot armor like always.


While I don’t usually feed the trolls (pun intended), I will give you the presumption of honesty.
What are those many NPCs you lost and what is the context?

  1. Thrall “was lost” going to become the “aspect of earth” during Cataclysm. (BTW, do you remember “we didn’t have time to make Alliance content”?)
  2. Garrosh “was lost” because they didn’t want to give back what Horde “won” during Cata. (BTW, do you remember “we run into technical difficulties by making Alliance content”?)
  3. Vol’jin “was lost” because symmetry, and you needed Sylvanas as leader (BTW, do you remember that the cinematic was between Varian and Sylvanas, not between Varian and Vol’jin?)
  4. Sylvanas “was lost” because Shadowlands was a horrible expansion.

Now on Alliance side:
Lost Southshore.
Lost Silverwing Refuge
Lost Bael Modan from a goblin with a cheese hat.
Lost Theramore
Lost Andorhal (we won, but we will leave because … reasons)
Conquered Stonard and didn’t destroyed it, returned to Horde.

So, looks like Alliance lost territories and Horde lost leaders. And almost every time Alliance was portrayed as imbeciles, so the Horde could shine. Do you really think Bllizard devs hate Horde?

Land can be taken back. Leaders stay dead. You are dishonest. See Stromgarde, Darkshore and Gilneas. None of these losses was permanent.

Minus Thrall the entire cast of NPCs we interact with during TWW are part of the alliance. Proving me right once more like all the other times.

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Horde is gonna be very relevant during midnight with Silvermoon. Would like to see faction conflict rise up though, it’s a bit boring and weird to see humans being friends with Orcs.

60% of all elves are alliance. We can assure that blood elves will be ignored just like back in TBC.

The story has been all over the place and they dont really like writing horde side things either, which is why they are turning horde into red alliance. All the more complicated charachters are gone


They will force everyone to follow alliance heroes from now on Midnight will do the same thing.