If you haven’t seen the new cutscenes about the “helm of wills” yet, then here it is
So, now what will the scourge, undead and the forsaken be?!
Definitely, like sylvanas they can also revert back to normal beings and the helm of wills can just do that for them like undo their forsaken form, I guess…
Will calia be the new queen of lorderon by being mortal?!
The ebon blade will revert back to normal?
The death knight class be reverted or changed to dark knight?
Sylvanas is still an undead, she has simply gotten back her other soul half that she lost. I think only those who were killed by Frostmourne had their souls split.
Well…what about the “Helm of Wills” that can undo her…right?!
Also, Danuser said the wow book 1 as ended!
So, maybe, we might get a replacement for undead races…