[Spoilers] Dalaran Situation (in Relation to RP)

Are we still gonna use it? Orr…
Because, lore-wise it might be completely destroyed, but after countless community events and tens (if not hundreds) of hours of fun it seems like a complete waste to abandon it.
Am I correct to assume that business will go on as usual?

tbh finding a new hub might be better, rp is about development at the end and world changes. it doesn’t make it any less sad -_- first archimonde now goth knife


I definitely wouldn’t mind finding a new hub, though there’s very few spots that allow (and make sense for) cross-faction RP…

I can count some atop of my head, but most would partially clash with the ideals of some rp group, though deciding on a hub off the bat might be a bit too hasty. I think it would be better to use the current ongoing story in our adventage and work on generetating rp.

Rping in the new continent, trying to gather our bearings, aiding each other, this is lore-wise a big development.

Shop keepers trying to salvage their goods, guards or capable folks going on on combat based rp on the isle, etc. You know stregthening of bonds kinda deal.

Hey, you can check out what’s going down in regards to that here. The main community already has something in the works: [N-RP] [PvE Campaign - TWW Spoilers] Dalaran Community Campaign 13/8 - 21/8 & 2/9-10/9


thank you very much

As Zyretha said, people are already planning other things.

That aside though, I think it’d be better if people embrace it and move on to other locations, otherwise you create weird time-bubbles which just ends up isolating people.


This is also my concern. Splitting the community along which storylines we play in will only reduce potential recruits at RP events.

I’m sure there’ll be some people claiming to have ‘fixed’ the city or created an illusion of it or some such, but hopefully the bulk follow the actual lore and move on.

At least the lore as currently presented, I honestly expect the city to come back in some faux uplifting heroic moment as I fear blizz took the wrong lessons from teldrassil.

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I’ve been seeing more people say that, that Dalaran will still come back, that Khadgar ain’t truly dead. Now, we all know, if Blizzard really wants to they find a way, but, unfortunately as it looks now, both of them seem pretty annihilated.

Dalaran didn’t just get teleported but blown apart by the mini-black hole expanding inside of it, and it seems Khadgar also pretty much got vaporized :frowning:

So, I get the wishful thinking, I do, but I think it’s just that.

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Hopefully. It should stay gone.


I get that people like their advancing narratives and big shock moments and whatnot but at this point I am a bit weary of the destruction of the “old world”, another classic hub obliterated, another iconic location(and more) lost in return for very little. Idk maybe I’m just jaded but it does get tiring seeing the “old” world get whittled away at to prop up or be replaced by very little, or something which will be a poor replacement.

Not sure if there even is a viable alternate hub around but we shall see, certainly not one with the history and heritage of Dalaran.

While I respect the communities and guilds that formed around Dalaran…

Personally I am not sad it is gone, as I got tired of it functioning as a neutral base!

Not going to say it did not make sense in WoTLK or Legion, but how cool would it have been if we had Suramar proper as the factions capital on Legion? Or perhaps Moon Guard Stronghold, or a restored Black Rook Hold? Hell, Nar’thalas Academy or Thunder Totem could’ve been a super cool shared capital on the Broken Isles aswell, instead we got round 2 of Dalaran, which I didn’t dislike, but I’d rather had them invest more time in other cities on the Broken Isles, and I dreaded having this happen a third time!

Obviously they could’ve just have it be and sit this one out, or have it return to its crater, but alas, as always Blizzard took the path that nobody liked :weary:

I don’t think Khadgar is dead. His last scene was really meh compared to Varian’s, or Gul’dan’s or Saurfang. It would be a very anticlimactic end for him.

I think he got teleported away.

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I would’ve thought more people would be thrilled by the idea of having a direct hook leading into a new expansion. Displaced civilians and combatants alike, strewn across the new zones opens excellent avenues for role-play.

If nothing else, there’s other regions in the game world that are less busy but still neutral such as Booty Bay and Ratchet.


A lot of people are, honestly! But at the same time for a lot of the people who were using Dalaran before as a social hub where there would reliably be people at least a few times per month, it’s gonna sting a bit to see it gone.

I think it’s the same as night elves and worgen (and honestly maybe a few others) in the Alliance when Teldrassil was destroyed. Yes it’s destruction lead into the new story and was an immediate hook for the new expansion, but it was also a place where people had fond memories of.

All of that to say, I think you can have it both ways - it’s an exciting way to get into the new plot, but it’s also disheartening to know it’s never going to be used the same way again… unless Blizzard rebuild it, which I don’t think is on the cards considering how much of an explosion there was.


Absolutely nothing stopping people using the environment as a stand in for something else, something that all roleplayers have done since forever. It’s the implementation of it and the intended audience where the nuance come out. Its absolutely mind bogglingly mad to not use a well made environment.

Gains flashbacks of people not using Draenor zones, which are some of the highest detailed areas in game because ‘ugh my immersion can’t separate things’.

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I think it is not completely destroyed…

Dalaran has a very recognizable architecture, so I struggle to conceive of it being used as a stand-in for something else. The Underbelly might see some use, but that’s it.

IC, both the mage and civilian communities will treat Dalaran as gone once they play out its demise.


Legion Dalaran’s underbelly was so good but I don’t think it ever saw much use given it forced people into being PVP flagged. :pensive: