[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Womp support deadie elf though because she warchief which means she got to be good

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Looks like both worgen and goblins are up in the dressing room now. But I only get one skin colour.

Edit: Now I get more.

Wrathion grew the HECK up.
And it looks like Calia might finally be making an appearance?

It seems like either 8.2.5 will have more lore than we anticipated, or they’re setting everything up for 8.3

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Ears are the wrong colour, though.



Sad to see. One of my least favourite characters. Hoping she does not deny too many other characters spotlight.

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“Barrens Warfront” —> Shows a map of Durotar.

But when its a Warfront, the Alliance will be more included this round, unlike MoP where we had a Robo-Cat spy mission and a … THATS ALL FOLKS SEEYA NEXT TIME!

So yea, its not a total MoP reharsh as the Alliance gets to be actually included this time, and not just left to the sideline to watch the Horde story unfold.(Not that Horde had it any better; but even now thye get more “interesting” questlines then the Alliance; Vol’jin, Baine’s rebellion)

Whats with Blizzard fetish of the Blood Elf Model, though? I liked his old model more… Now he looks like some wannabe prince charming arab-style.

I admit, she looks weird, and I REALLY REALLY hope she won’t appear. She will be taking away story from the Forsaken who are already in dire need of some lore and stories without Sylvanas taking the spotlight because of reasons.

I actually see them just one-on-one replace Sylvanas with Calia and never actually delve any further in the Forsaken story, just randomly have them turn from semi-bad guys to 100% goodguys overdrive from one patch to another… >_>

Hey look, another character to turn 100% Light-overdrive under God-Emperor Anduin’s Imperial Reign. I suppose it fits Blizzards bill to add her, why would they make interesting characters who do not follow or Copy the Humans in everyway more interesting when they can have a Elf-carbon-copy of the Humans serve the exact same purpose, whatever that may be… D:

(Yea, I’m embittered! D:<)

Wrathion looks like a snack.

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Looks like we get to be used as a kicking post for the fourth bloody time.

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My face hasn’t been datamined yet :frowning:

I’m peeved that they are having the butchery named Calia show up… Can’t describe how much i hate the Holy Undead idea…


The female worgen look good. Less “top heavy” and faces that look lupine.

Why the hell does Calia look like Casper the friendly ghost. Ghostbusters lookin’ :peach:.

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Kump… are those new models for WoW? They look like something out of HotS

Yes they are wow.
Wrathion, Calia and Valeera in order.

Am I the only one who thinks Calia looks a bit like a titanic watcher?

Also, sorry, worgen still look bad. Their shape and proportions still aren’t good, especially the female looks permanently bent out of shape.

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She does, true.

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Well… I am loving Wrathion, and valeera looks good… but I hoped I’d never see the day that a Light Undead came into WoW… What have they done.

Zekhan has a new model as well.


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