Tbf, with how Blizzard has been handling Kaldorei-stories this expansion, I wouldn’t want anything even closely related to them in the Worgen-story… Especially since it will only serve to slap the Worgen- AND Kaldorei fans in the face with the bad storytelling then 
Personally I would love for it to be about this; because it would show in what kind of state Gilneas, the Kingdom, is in… And it would also show the players that it isn’t just used as a glorified outpost for the Stormwind Empire, like Strom! And to be fair; with the amount of refugee races the Alliance now has; I would love for them to have a Storyline about rebuilding/reconquering Gilneas and then having it become the new Worgen capital! With Gnomes/Dwarves and Kaldorei/Worgen/Humans/Void Elves/Lighforged Draenei sharing a City, its getting abit crowded!
I seriously hope not; while Goblin models are… Kind of okay still, especially compared to the Worgen models, both of them deserve a proper model update! Plus I would love for the Worgen to actually look and feel more like a Werewolf then a… Whatever this is supposed to be!
As for the Goblins; I really, really hope they get a Questline about rebuilding Kezan and Undermine and then that changes to their capital! That would be really cool!
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Alright, let’s do this, I’m ready.
How much more of the worgen origin story do you need after the Curse of the Worgen comic?
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I’m ready for my makeover now Dampierre! Make me look…fabulous.
For the Worgen heritage, I would like to see a conclusion to the question of the Worgen form as a curse, where maybe the Gilneans collectively embrace it as part of what they are. As Genn Greymane says in Hearthstone: “We have turned out curse into our strength.”
I like the idea of Gilnean culture living on as it has, but with the Old Ways gaining more prominence and importance in society, since it represents the wild side of its people.
Hoping for Allied Race news soon - it’s been a long time and the allied race community is starting to get antsy!
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You’ll get mechagnomes, but the only mechanical part will be the toes.
I am certain you guys will be getting gil goblins, instead of Vulpera.
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I’ll take it. Won’t enjoy it as much as Vulpera, but I’ll take it.
I don’t mind furry stuff (rule 34), but I don’t identify as one, because I’m of a sound mind (mostly).

But it’s weeeeeiiiiirrrrddddd.
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I know, but what’s wrong with weird stuff?
I’ve seen weirder
s than Furry stuff. xD
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Ah, you have a point there.
The things you see in the deepest, darkest depths of the internet, eh
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Wouldn’t say it’s that Deep.
Highly doubt we’re getting gilgoblins - Vulpera have a lot more work put into them. Then again, blizzard gonna blizz.
I doubt the heritage quest will follow the Origins of Worgen since, really, that was explored in the leveling quests.
I would see it probably be an attempt at reclamation and then next expansion moving to claim it fully - or having it as a place.
It was such a waste of assets to build an entire city and not use it.
I want it to show a worgen “civil war” over those who wish to expand their numbers vs. those who wish for the curse to die with them.
Except there’s no actual combat actually an investigation+debate quest where you look for clues and work out the best way to support your chosen side of the argument.
But if you screw up you can still just demand a trial by combat.