[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers


Can’t wait for the THRILLING conclusion the most forgettable storylines of this expansion which presumably confirms that the “Faction War Expansion” barely lasted a patch.


“Conclusion of the War Campaign”

didn’t even last 'til 8.3

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The “thrilling” conclusion where either:

Sylvanas was right all along and everyone who doubted her was an idiot.

Sylvanas was wrong all along and she’s just another Garrosh.

Hopefully the conclusion in 8.2.5 means that 8.3 can move onto actually interesting storylines.


My money is on Nya’lotha. N’zoth is now free and his girlfriend Azshara is with him. Can’t see why we’d focus on anything else but them.


That leather corset is made from 100% natural P.L.O.T. armor.

She will either pull a fast one and turn out to have been doing Illidan’s “sometimes the hand of fate must be forced” move in toying with Xal’atath, or she really has gone off the deep end after reading Garrosh’ diary one too many times.

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As much as both suck, I’d rather have Garrosh 2.0 then Illidan 2.0.


I’m inclined to agree. A Sylvanas raid would be spectacular to experience, whereas I am feeling quite done with tentacles and the ocean already.

At least the worgen and goblins look good!

Rather have neither and have an original story arc for a change instead of them rehashing older stories and putting new faces on old faces.

I agree, but we both know that ain’t gonna happen.

Just need a release date now.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/284360431684812801/621778489342820393/unknown.png this dataminer says there’s two cinematics (both encrypted), one about 3 minutes and one over 6 minutes

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Sylvanas standing in the light, Anduin standing in the shadow…

Bravo, Lucas. This is poetry.


5 of those minutes being the end credits? :grin:

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Now I’m wondering if there’s no 8.3, and 8.2.5 is the end of BfA.

are we ready to see more somber orcs in hd?


Are we ready to finally get a good conclusion, or is that wishful thinking?

Let’s hope it’s the end. The sooner this expansion ends, the better.

But considering we still have N’zoth and Azshara to deal with, 8.3 is very much likely, unless they announce the Black Empire expansion, which would be awesome.


I wonder how such an expansion would end.