[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Doesn’t seem so, there’s still a sect of Ragnaros-lovers, and no mention of greater numbers now hyping for the Alliance. The only thing the Dark Iron recruitment scenario actually brings is playable Dark Iron.

Wow that sounds kinda lame. :confused:

Just like the alliance :clown_face: it fits.

Yea, it basicly changed nothing about what we already knew about the Dark Irons before being a playable race… Except they get to have a part of their capital as a starting area. literally nothing else changed… So the Dark Irons would, lorewise, be at the same place as during Cataclysm!

I think most “power” from the Dwarves in general come from the Bronzebeards, because unlike the Wildhammer and the Dark Irons, they neither got wiped out of a whole zone nor did they have a decisive civil war on what to do.

Sure both may bring their specific set of skills(Gryphon Riders in case of the Wildhammers, Sorcerers and Golems incase of the Dark Irons), but still the Bronzebeard appear to be the most numoruous and technically advanced of the bunch! D:

I feel attacked D:

It is. I think the Wildhammers are definitely the smallest as they’re a nomad clan of Dwarves mostly tending to themselves and their gryphons, then you’ve got the Dark Irons which are a decently sized force and the Bronzebeards making up the bulk of dwarves.

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Dun Morogh got specifically attacked by the Legion and Before the Storm states that all nations suffered great losses during the war. Wildhammers also got scattered by the Legion according to the shaman intro quest, and they’re now displaced refugees.

And during the Cataclysm the Ironforge Senate signed a bill to hire adventurers to pick up the slack and help solve the internal threats Khaz Modan was facing when the army failed to pick up the slack.

If the united Three Hammers army is unable to defend their land from within without the aid of adventurers, I genuinely doubt they’re some kind of military powerhouse to impose their might externally.

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Is that the Twilight Highland lot?
The Legion was defeated, they may have gone home, or moved up to Aerie Peak.

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I actualle assumed the same, but then again blizzard loves making races refugee’s eitherway…

Yea, but that would still make the Bronzebeards the strongest nation of the Dwarves as the most populuous! Never said theybwere some sort of powerhouse because we know that no one except Stormwind is a powerhouse within the Alliance,for some reason :stuck_out_tongue:

I can already hear The Bjora commanded by a certain dwarvern Brigiadier-General flying to your location right now.


Horrible. The second worst people around.

All I need is Ser Twenty of House Goodmen and I’ll bring that ship down again


If you wish to play an elven paladin, the Horde is there for you!

…It actually took a raidgroup + Boush and Zunaj on rappel to take out the one in Krasarang!

crashing this airship

with quite a few survivors

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And shaman gang’s support :sunglasses:


Ahem…we softened it up a bit…

Still an awesome campaign…


Just want to point out that’s not a skill the Wildhammer Clan brings to the Kingdom of Khaz Modan as the Bronzebeard themselves are quite adept at handling gryphons and shamanism.


N’zoth’s true fate revealed


YEE did it champion! With this wuuden azerite cage, N’zoth will nay be able to break free ev’r again! Well done champion!


That seems like a legit leak! But you guys showed me leaks cannot be trusted so I proclaim this a fake. In every single way!

Best one to date.

Like or dislike Perroy, Legacy of the Saurok was an absolute masterpiece.

My only regret is that we will most likely never see its like again.

Manlets, when will they learn?!


hLEP i’ve been dancing for HOURS and I can’t stop