[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

There’s always exceptions. Jaina is the main character of WoW and can do what she likes.

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Main Characters

That woman has so many different personalities she hardly counts as one​:joy::joy:

No it wasn’t…


Well, there’s always Valtrois, and now that Lor’themar is seemingly going with Thalyssra, Lady Liadrin is free again…

Oh, and Khadgar of course has Maiev. See? There’s still plenty of Elf girls to divvy out to the Human Male Protagonists so nobody gets left out.

Maeiv can be a good catch if you can get over her chain smoker voice.

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I’m just saying

Tyrande has never been more attractive to me than she is right now. Please step on me moon mama :tired_face:


If you like Tyrande as the amazon bisexual power top then boy do I have a blog for you

it’s that one

that’s the blog


The redraw of Three Sisters is also very good.


She’s been mentioned since the second war, and iirc, was on the council when they sent Rhonin to free Alexstrasza.

She was ‘elderly’ in the Knaak novels, but quite youthful in the mage manga so…who knows lol

I wish Tyrande would shove me against a locker with Jaina, Thalyssra and Liadrin


looks at Khadgar


Might’ve used magic to look younger?

Given that Khadgar was basically the Archmage during the Second War, he’d probably be close in age to Modera.

Y’know, maybe. Time isn’t linear in WarCraft, really.

Wait,you have a link for that one? :open_mouth:

How can you improve on a masterpiece?


It’s not finished yet so it’s all in separate posts, just scroll through their tumblr posts.

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I wish you neer mentioned that. I looked it up and now I’ve regressed into binging this person’s entire art gallery. Their stuff is hilarious.



The best part was when someone asked if they’d do official art for Blizzard and the response was ‘nah, that’d be a drop down for me’

iirc she works on TF2 for Valve. Savage as heck tho.