I somehow lost all my legendaries… Still have the chievements, tho… Hope I get them back in a way with this
WoW still doesn’t know how to handle worgen ladies’ hair, it pokes through all helms, still.
Glows as of today on PTR.
I love it.
Sweet. Now I can finally stop feeling bad about not prioritising TW Black Temple for the transmog.
Quite nice, actually. Current blood elves have too much of an intense glow and the reduction to death knights with added depth of hues looks good.
Eh, I’ll take it. Beats the flashlight eyes.
real chads mog into Shadow’s Edge
Note that the eyes on PTR are still not showing any glow under helmets. I don’t know about you, but that’s not how I recall light works.
I can see it now.
Not shadowmourne IC
Hundreds of them
Fix that and you’re in a good place tbh
We’re still in the bad place, Chidi.
I still feel that the Night Elves glow should be abit more brighter? Atleast not look like those small orb thingies?
Anyways I like it nonetheless! It finally grew won me!
I look at you with my orbs
I look back at you with my exactly same orbs
I admit I’m mostly looking at golden eyes for belves. Thank belore, elyrius will look better
Shudders in revulsion on a cellular level!
I really like the blood elves and the night elf dude. It makes me think of tapetum lucidum when they’re in the dark, and it’s a cool effect. Also happy that the blood elf gold is a different color than the night elf amber now!
Absolutely the Warglaives of Azzinoth. Bite me Illidan.
So yeah, if you’re into having eyes or whatever, I guess the updates are pretty sweet looking so far. Not sure I can see any change to the Night Warrior eyes though, but the golden peepers for blood elves look considerable better now that they aren’t flashlights.