[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Looks at Chieuns class


I like warrior too but DK is #1.

I just prefer pandas over other races more than I prefer DKs over other classes.

Allied race DKs aren’t even getting any new customization options, not even the standard undead skins. The only reason there’s any hype for this is because they didn’t give us allied race DKs in BfA, and held it back to give people something to pre-purchase Shadowlands for. As a main expansion feature it’s garbage.


Warrior #1 for me.

Been my main since I made it.

Just imagine a Dark Iron DK with frostfire in their beard. :weary:

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Wait… So my Nightborne Death Knight won’t have the same green skin tint as my Night Elf Death Knight?

Fml, but kinda makes sense as they’re recently raised, perhaps the options will be added later down the line and they rather focus on the “main” race customisation options for now?

They’re just constantly steaming. Ice keeps forming and melting.

Plottwist that I foresee:

you aren’t actually “raised into undead” just into some weird state of being half alive with your characters soul only being dead but your body is still very much alive. So that you can pass into the shadowrealmlands.

Wouldn’t that be very random xd to suddenly have people legit run around and fulfill their fantasy of NOT A DK IC being canon?

Sauna dwarves. I dig it.

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And with that you just validated DK babies being RPed.
Dun goofed pretty hard there.

Wouldn’t surprise me. Remember worgen couples (and packs) who “gave birth to baby worgen”. I do.

Outranks you with Nam Flashbacks of OG 3rd Gen DKs procreating and having warm emotions enough to get it hard.

Also Worgen can have babies, they just won’t carry the curse in them.

Isn’t Bolvar himself in a weird state of “Not a DK IC”?

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You seem to want being banished from this server Sonny.


Yes, but they roleplayed that the babies were worgen. Not human.

Flashbacks to forsaken who have a peen.

Yes, but he is a lore figure and not random Death Knight McDonalds.

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He’s a Death Knight who is alive, that’s all.


Blood spec ic

Same as Arthas was. Ironically, you don’t have to die to become undead. Things be weird like that.

uses Bloodbulge, you called?

I’m surprised I’ve never seen someone play a death knight that isn’t dead. Arthas and Bolvar were both the Lich King, yet neither of them are undead.