[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

The obelisk one was slow as well, but by the time I did finish it, I was still on 1/8 scrolls.

The assaults are just World Quests with a bit of eyeshadow.


That’s a part that worry me slightly. The questline is fine, but god I hope there’s a way to pass it on alts because I don’t see myself repeating it more than once.

My main irritation is rerunning the same little portion of the Orgrimmar vision cause my cape isn’t high enough to try out the other parts yet. :frowning:

I think you can skip like… 1/3 of it on alts? That’s what I have been told anyway.

I’d love for older zones to be relevant again however Uldum is literally the exact same as in Cataclysm except for some new mobs and minor changes like egg sacs attached to buildings on the western area of Uldum that borders Ahn’Qiraj… which couldn’t have taken weeks to develop, if a few days or hours even. The Vale, while it looks cool, essentially feels like they just added some obelisks, tentacles and eyeballs and slapped a purple filter on everything.

Perhaps I’m in a minority or just overly complaining, but from a large company like Blizzard this patch feels really lackluster. Can’t really find a lot of motivation to play either, especially considering it’s the final patch and we’ve 9 months of this ahead of us. I’m not really getting the ‘end of the world’ vibes either, and seeing as N’Zoth will kick the bucket later I doubt we’re going to see much more than this.

At least Legion had the mage tower and Argus.

Pretty sick and tired of Magni too. CHAMPYUN

To add to that, the two raids and dungeons from Cata and MoP weren’t even changed. They added some mobs and minor mechanics here and there and that was it, so it’s not like they were changed or overhauled that much. Even the music was the same.

Has anybody managed to find an efficient way to farm those 410 boa tokens? Went through the entire intro quest with both assaults and everything on two chars and only got 2 leather boot tokens.

Rare mobs seem to drop them relatively often.

As I said, done the entire thing on 2 chars. That’s 12 rares in Uldum as well as a couple both times I went through vale. Only got 2 tokens. If that’s the best way then this really isn’t an efficient source of catch up gear.

Seems to me you were unlucky. I only did the entire questline on one character, and only Uldum on a second, and have gotten five or so tokens.

My experience’s been more similar to Ixirar’s. Got one cloth item and one plate item between 10+ rares, and there don’t seem to be that many rares either or they don’t spawn very frequently. Took a long time to finish the “kill 4 rares” quest in Uldum.

I have gotten none of those tokens at all. Unlucky. :frowning:

For those worried they’ll be left behind on the new content, remember that there’s a cap on your cloak upgrades, which extends each week, letting you catch up faster.


Do we know at which point the cloak’s appearance changes? There are two more appearances besides the starting one, both of which can be previewed in the appearance tab.
Assuming, of course, that its appearance is tied to the cloak upgrades, and not some other, future content.
One of the appearances looks like it’d suit really suit blood elves, and while the other might not suit any race particularly well, it is very beautiful.

It is supposed to change at rank 5 and 12, but I just got it to rank 5 and it didn’t change, so… Don’t know.


Two additional skins, so I’m guessing rank 10 and 15? Honestly unsure, I thought it was 5 as well.

6 and 13 is my guess since that is when you unlock the additional cloak abilities.

Funnily, they reverted the portion of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms where the heart of Y’shaarj was recovered from to the state it was prior to the construction of the Horde mine, as though it was never there in the first place.

New ESO expansion gonna be lit


Heard they’re reforming the Dawngard. Vampire hunters.

Someone had better nuke Skyrim from orbit at this point. With sunlight. And garlic.