[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Ok, gotta admit, I really wanna get into ESO now.

Just gonna have to decide which platform to go for. PC is obviously more convenient, but playing an MMO on a console seems pretty surreal (and yeah, I know it’s been a thing for years now, but it still sounds like sci-fi to me, so I’d love to try that).

But anyway, that looks sick. Loved Skyrim, loved Dawnguard. Maybe this time we’ll actually find some vampires living underneath the ice of frozen lakes, as mentioned by that lore book in Oblivion… always thought that was such a lovely horrifying image.

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There’s no RP on console whatsoever. If that’s your main pull, you will want to go PC edition. Otherwise it’s really not so strange to play on console either - you get used to it surprisingly easily.

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Huh, I thought it was supposed to be cross-platform. I’m fine with no RP, but I do wonder what will happen to console MMOs once the next gen consoles release. How many people will commit to their “outdated” console?

I mean, how can RP happen when it takes a million hours to write one sentence on a damn console?

Very slowly?

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Normal people: use the on-screen keyboard.

Me, an actual intellectual: plugs in a normal USB keyboard.

Absolute superhuman: uses the on-screen keyboard on a PC for rp.

There was a tony hawk game on ps2 where you could plug in a normal keyboard in your ps2. Which also had a multiplayer where you could sent people messages. So people did what they do. They figured out you can use signs in messages that the game did not intend and sent them to players which crashed their game without even opening the message. :slight_smile:

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Love how Anduin played a roll and was the tallest person in the group.

Okay, I have to say, I really like the Horrific Visions. Not as much as I hoped, but I still enjoy them quite a bit. It’s just a shame that I have to grind through some extremely boring content to actually get to do them…

If you aren’t too hardcore, you can just do the assault quests themselves (weekly N’zoth invasion, 2x a week Aqir/Amathet/Mogu/Mantid invasion) to get a fair couple of them. Those quests are quite fast to do.

I haven’t even started the first quest yet; awaiting until the busy-ness is gone so I can do them in peace, I suppose?

It tried it on Mori, but way to many people around and I felt like I couldn’t do it in “peace”, if you catch my drift! D:

You should do it now. The Uldum biweekly invasion resets in almost exactly 1 day and you want to at least get that far in the questline to avoid missing out.

Uh oh, I’m at an RP event now… So the earliest convience is tomorrow for me…! D:

Als Biweekly is like twice a week, right?

Yes. Reset is in 21 hours, now. So you will have time tomorrow, but not all day!

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Aight! I’ll get to it tomorrow morning! :smiley:

Ideally, because the dailies are NOT worth it, just do the daily Vision (currently in the Vale, far east) for 1K (don’t forget the quest next to the entrance), and do the big invasion whenever it cycles.

Trust me, those 150 coalescing visions from dailies per day are not worth it, considering it can take up to two hours.


So very anime.

I liked it.

Also that smirk is becoming his signature.

Great. Now I’m nostalgic for Sands of Time.

Its been a week since the patch released. I am still mad.

I only take solace in hoping that Ny’alotha will be good (despite Blizzard turning something that should’ve spanned multiple zones into a lousy raid tear) and the fact that 8.3 isn’t as bad as the WoD selfie patch.

I just feel like Blizzard missed a giant opportunity by not having Ny’alotha span multiple zones like Argus, or even a small continent…

The dailies are bad, the quests/invasions are mediocre, the story quest which had us flying through MoP a million times and revisit pointless raids like BWD and MSV. I suppose at least the Visions are fun, though they will get boring very quick aftering killing Thrall for the umpteenth time.

Nya’lotha ending.