[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)


97 posts

120 Vulpera Death Knight [ 26340 ]


There’s questionable RNG and dull WQ grinds, and there’s so-unplayable-the-company-actually-had-to-refund-sub-money. No, nothing will beat the selfie-twitter patch (unless its another selfie-twitter patch).

I’ve had quite a lot of fun in BfA. Not as much fun as I did in Legion (which raised standards significantly—especially if you, like me, didn’t at all mind the RNGness of legendaries). The Essence system, for all its alt-unfriendliness, is fun + 8.3 has been a blast. I wouldn’t rate it any lower than, uh, Cataclysm.


Honestly, I’d rather they didn’t do a cutscene rather than that Tyrande one. Hate ones which use the in-game emotes and some clunky VA added over the top.

It’s the Big Bang Theory of epic fist-pump moments.

Well played, my friend. Well played. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly, I thought you were Elenthas at first, you just race changed to Vulpera.

It’s the armor. I didn’t think to look at the guild.

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WotLK nailed a lot of stuff right: it had a strong main theme (undead Scourge) and several supporting themes: a floating mage city; a war between dragons; undead monsters; Arthas and Death Knights.

It also had wonderful character balance: Thrall and Garrosh vs Varian and Jaina; Tirion vs Lich King.

You can see how the settings is meant to make an impact; the stories are straightforward and characterization leads the story. In a simple way, granted, but it works.

Another thing is class design. To me it reached its apex in Cata, but you can see that it’s really really good (except for the fact it’s super unbalanced- unholy DKs were op). Each class has a strong theme that enhances the game; there’s a lot of thought behind classes.

BFA by contrast is possibly my least favorite expansion so far. Worst class design ever, boring and repetitive world quests that no one likes doing, fragmented storyline with a lot of improvisation. Some bits are really solid (ie. Rastakhan’s arc), but then a lot of other things just aren’t (Jaina fights and entire raid and then teleports away, and is ready to fight in the next patch!)

The Four Horsemen were also changed to a relatively notable degree, with Rivendare taking the place of Mograine. I don’t know whether he had different abilities, though.

Kind of disagree here, mainly regarding the last of your examples. The Lich King showed up too often, and often appeared as incompetent as a Saturday cartoon villain.


They changed Mograine’s fire DoT into Rivendare’s shadow DoT, but it was basically a cosmetic change 'cos no one was using res gear for the wrath version.

People were looking back on WOD fondly as early as Legion 7.0.1.

I have enjoyed BfA more than I enjoyed Warlords for the most part, probably because there’s just more stuff to do.
RP is admittedly worse than in WOD, more because RPers fundamentally cannot be trusted.

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Was shadow res gear a thing in WotLK, or was the change purely for thematic reasons?

I’m one of those! Not because I thought WoD was a very good expansion, but because I liked it a lot more thematically than I did Legion. Also, leveling was a lot more fun (until they introduced Legion invasions).

Purely thematic. Mograine was all about the righteous fire of the ashbringer, rivendare’s a shadowboy. I think you could still get green items with +resistance on them but I honestly don’t recall. I think there was frost res stuff but people might’ve just used class buffs/auras. It’s been a while.

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Would just like to mention that Yogg’saron is only defeated, whereas N’zoth also known as The Absolute Chump now to me, is actually just full on killed (or until Blizzard specify otherwise, but he very much seems dead)

As of Blizzcon 2018 they considered C’thun and Yogg both dead (which also jives with Cho’gall’s attempted resurrection of c’thun in the wow comic).

“I would say that we should consider them dead. But! As with all things in World of Warcraft and in general in the Warcraft universe, death is not always final. Therefore, if there is the coming of the Old Gods, or some precursor of the Old Gods appear from the eternal darkness, from the Void, for example, if there is any way or opportunity to return them, I imagine that this may well happen.”

Like the door is open for them to come back, but that’s true for literally every character. Right now though, we killed C’thun and Yogg in Vanilla and Wrath respectively. Dead as doornails.

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[Muffled angry noises]


As Elenthas points out yeah, no. Besides there’s the entire thing about Old Gods not seeing death as we do, but rather a dormant/sleeping phase (from which they can be awakened, or to us, resurrected). For all other entities it’s [audible angry noises] for me instead, but for the Old Gods it makes sense.

Is there anything concrete on that because Y’Shaarj seems pretty corpsey to me?

Didn’t Y’shaarj live on through the Sha, and his heart is(was?) Still around, no?

It was destroyed.

Just because my heart is left over doesn’t mean I’m still alive.

Otherwise medical students would have a weirder time of it.


I always assumed this was to showcase to us how dangerous even remnants of an Old God could be in terms of the damage his constituent bits ending up doing.

Makes Nzoth and his mighty assault on desert cat people look plenty lame in comparison